// run // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Ensure that zeroing range loops have the requisite side-effects. package main import ( "fmt" "os" ) func check(n int) { // When n == 0, i is untouched by the range loop. // Picking an initial value of -1 for i makes the // "want" calculation below correct in all cases. i := -1 s := make([]byte, n) for i = range s { s[i] = 0 } if want := n - 1; i != want { fmt.Printf("index after range with side-effect = %d want %d\n", i, want) os.Exit(1) } i = n + 1 // i is shadowed here, so its value should be unchanged. for i := range s { s[i] = 0 } if want := n + 1; i != want { fmt.Printf("index after range without side-effect = %d want %d\n", i, want) os.Exit(1) } // Index variable whose evaluation has side-effects var x int f := func() int { x++ return 0 } var a [1]int for a[f()] = range s { s[a[f()]] = 0 } if want := n * 2; x != want { fmt.Printf("index function calls = %d want %d\n", x, want) os.Exit(1) } // Range expression whose evaluation has side-effects x = 0 b := [1][]byte{s} for i := range b[f()] { b[f()][i] = 0 } if want := n + 1; x != n+1 { fmt.Printf("range expr function calls = %d want %d\n", x, want) os.Exit(1) } } func main() { check(0) check(1) check(15) }