// errorcheck -0 -race //go:build (linux && amd64) || (linux && ppc64le) || (darwin && amd64) || (freebsd && amd64) || (netbsd && amd64) || (windows && amd64) // Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package foo const benchmarkNumNodes = 10000 func BenchmarkUpdateNodeTransaction(b B) { s, nodeIDs := setupNodes(benchmarkNumNodes) b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N(); i++ { _ = s.Update(func(tx1 Tx) error { _ = UpdateNode(tx1, &Node{ ID: nodeIDs[i%benchmarkNumNodes], }) return nil }) } } type B interface { ResetTimer() N() int } type Tx interface { } type Node struct { ID string } type MemoryStore struct { } //go:noinline func setupNodes(n int) (s *MemoryStore, nodeIDs []string) { return } //go:noinline func (s *MemoryStore) Update(cb func(Tx) error) error { return nil } var sink interface{} //go:noinline func UpdateNode(tx Tx, n *Node) error { sink = tx sink = n return nil }