// run cmplxdivide1.go // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Driver for complex division table defined in cmplxdivide1.go // For details, see the comment at the top of cmplxdivide.c. package main import ( "fmt" "math" ) func calike(a, b complex128) bool { if imag(a) != imag(b) && !(math.IsNaN(imag(a)) && math.IsNaN(imag(b))) { return false } if real(a) != real(b) && !(math.IsNaN(real(a)) && math.IsNaN(real(b))) { return false } return true } func main() { bad := false for _, t := range tests { x := t.f / t.g if !calike(x, t.out) { if !bad { fmt.Printf("BUG\n") bad = true } fmt.Printf("%v/%v: expected %v error; got %v\n", t.f, t.g, t.out, x) } } if bad { panic("cmplxdivide failed.") } }