// run // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Internally a map holds elements in up to 255 bytes of key+value. // When key or value or both are too large, it uses pointers to key+value // instead. Test all the combinations. package main func seq(x, y int) [1000]byte { var r [1000]byte for i := 0; i < len(r); i++ { r[i] = byte(x + i*y) } return r } func cmp(x, y [1000]byte) { for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ { if x[i] != y[i] { panic("BUG mismatch") } } } func main() { m := make(map[int][1000]byte) m[1] = seq(11, 13) m[2] = seq(2, 9) m[3] = seq(3, 17) cmp(m[1], seq(11, 13)) cmp(m[2], seq(2, 9)) cmp(m[3], seq(3, 17)) { type T [1]byte type V [1]byte m := make(map[T]V) m[T{}] = V{1} m[T{1}] = V{2} if x, y := m[T{}][0], m[T{1}][0]; x != 1 || y != 2 { println(x, y) panic("bad map") } } { type T [100]byte type V [1]byte m := make(map[T]V) m[T{}] = V{1} m[T{1}] = V{2} if x, y := m[T{}][0], m[T{1}][0]; x != 1 || y != 2 { println(x, y) panic("bad map") } } { type T [1]byte type V [100]byte m := make(map[T]V) m[T{}] = V{1} m[T{1}] = V{2} if x, y := m[T{}][0], m[T{1}][0]; x != 1 || y != 2 { println(x, y) panic("bad map") } } { type T [1000]byte type V [1]byte m := make(map[T]V) m[T{}] = V{1} m[T{1}] = V{2} if x, y := m[T{}][0], m[T{1}][0]; x != 1 || y != 2 { println(x, y) panic("bad map") } } { type T [1]byte type V [1000]byte m := make(map[T]V) m[T{}] = V{1} m[T{1}] = V{2} if x, y := m[T{}][0], m[T{1}][0]; x != 1 || y != 2 { println(x, y) panic("bad map") } } { type T [1000]byte type V [1000]byte m := make(map[T]V) m[T{}] = V{1} m[T{1}] = V{2} if x, y := m[T{}][0], m[T{1}][0]; x != 1 || y != 2 { println(x, y) panic("bad map") } } { type T [200]byte type V [1]byte m := make(map[T]V) m[T{}] = V{1} m[T{1}] = V{2} if x, y := m[T{}][0], m[T{1}][0]; x != 1 || y != 2 { println(x, y) panic("bad map") } } { type T [1]byte type V [200]byte m := make(map[T]V) m[T{}] = V{1} m[T{1}] = V{2} if x, y := m[T{}][0], m[T{1}][0]; x != 1 || y != 2 { println(x, y) panic("bad map") } } { type T [200]byte type V [200]byte m := make(map[T]V) m[T{}] = V{1} m[T{1}] = V{2} if x, y := m[T{}][0], m[T{1}][0]; x != 1 || y != 2 { println(x, y) panic("bad map") } } }