// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main // #cgo noescape annotations for a C function means its arguments won't escape to heap. // We assume that there won't be 100 new allocated heap objects in other places, // i.e. runtime.ReadMemStats or other runtime background works. // So, the tests are: // 1. at least 100 new allocated heap objects after invoking withoutNoEscape 100 times. // 2. less than 100 new allocated heap objects after invoking withoutNoEscape 100 times. /* // TODO(#56378): #cgo noescape runCWithNoEscape void runCWithNoEscape(void *p) { } void runCWithoutNoEscape(void *p) { } */ import "C" import ( "fmt" "runtime" "runtime/debug" "unsafe" ) const num = 100 func init() { register("CgoNoEscape", CgoNoEscape) } //go:noinline func withNoEscape() { var str string C.runCWithNoEscape(unsafe.Pointer(&str)) } //go:noinline func withoutNoEscape() { var str string C.runCWithoutNoEscape(unsafe.Pointer(&str)) } func CgoNoEscape() { // make GC stop to see the heap objects allocated debug.SetGCPercent(-1) var stats runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&stats) preHeapObjects := stats.HeapObjects for i := 0; i < num; i++ { withNoEscape() } runtime.ReadMemStats(&stats) nowHeapObjects := stats.HeapObjects if nowHeapObjects-preHeapObjects >= num { fmt.Printf("too many heap objects allocated, pre: %v, now: %v\n", preHeapObjects, nowHeapObjects) } runtime.ReadMemStats(&stats) preHeapObjects = stats.HeapObjects for i := 0; i < num; i++ { withoutNoEscape() } runtime.ReadMemStats(&stats) nowHeapObjects = stats.HeapObjects if nowHeapObjects-preHeapObjects < num { fmt.Printf("too few heap objects allocated, pre: %v, now: %v\n", preHeapObjects, nowHeapObjects) } fmt.Println("OK") }