// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build mips64 || mips64le .file "gcc_mips64x.S" /* * void crosscall1(void (*fn)(void), void (*setg_gcc)(void *g), void *g) * * Calling into the gc tool chain, where all registers are caller save. * Called from standard MIPS N64 ABI, where $16-$23, $28, $30, and $f24-$f31 * are callee-save, so they must be saved explicitly, along with $31 (LR). */ .globl crosscall1 .set noat crosscall1: #ifndef __mips_soft_float daddiu $29, $29, -160 #else daddiu $29, $29, -96 // For soft-float, no need to make room for FP registers #endif sd $31, 0($29) sd $16, 8($29) sd $17, 16($29) sd $18, 24($29) sd $19, 32($29) sd $20, 40($29) sd $21, 48($29) sd $22, 56($29) sd $23, 64($29) sd $28, 72($29) sd $30, 80($29) #ifndef __mips_soft_float sdc1 $f24, 88($29) sdc1 $f25, 96($29) sdc1 $f26, 104($29) sdc1 $f27, 112($29) sdc1 $f28, 120($29) sdc1 $f29, 128($29) sdc1 $f30, 136($29) sdc1 $f31, 144($29) #endif // prepare SB register = pc & 0xffffffff00000000 bal 1f 1: dsrl $28, $31, 32 dsll $28, $28, 32 move $20, $4 // save R4 move $1, $6 jalr $5 // call setg_gcc (clobbers R4) jalr $20 // call fn ld $16, 8($29) ld $17, 16($29) ld $18, 24($29) ld $19, 32($29) ld $20, 40($29) ld $21, 48($29) ld $22, 56($29) ld $23, 64($29) ld $28, 72($29) ld $30, 80($29) #ifndef __mips_soft_float ldc1 $f24, 88($29) ldc1 $f25, 96($29) ldc1 $f26, 104($29) ldc1 $f27, 112($29) ldc1 $f28, 120($29) ldc1 $f29, 128($29) ldc1 $f30, 136($29) ldc1 $f31, 144($29) #endif ld $31, 0($29) #ifndef __mips_soft_float daddiu $29, $29, 160 #else daddiu $29, $29, 96 #endif jr $31 .set at #ifdef __ELF__ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits #endif