// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package net import "testing" var parsePortTests = []struct { service string port int needsLookup bool }{ {"", 0, false}, // Decimal number literals {"-1073741825", -1 << 30, false}, {"-1073741824", -1 << 30, false}, {"-1073741823", -(1<<30 - 1), false}, {"-123456789", -123456789, false}, {"-1", -1, false}, {"-0", 0, false}, {"0", 0, false}, {"+0", 0, false}, {"+1", 1, false}, {"65535", 65535, false}, {"65536", 65536, false}, {"123456789", 123456789, false}, {"1073741822", 1<<30 - 2, false}, {"1073741823", 1<<30 - 1, false}, {"1073741824", 1<<30 - 1, false}, {"1073741825", 1<<30 - 1, false}, // Others {"abc", 0, true}, {"9pfs", 0, true}, {"123badport", 0, true}, {"bad123port", 0, true}, {"badport123", 0, true}, {"123456789badport", 0, true}, {"-2147483649badport", 0, true}, {"2147483649badport", 0, true}, } func TestParsePort(t *testing.T) { // The following test cases are cribbed from the strconv for _, tt := range parsePortTests { if port, needsLookup := parsePort(tt.service); port != tt.port || needsLookup != tt.needsLookup { t.Errorf("parsePort(%q) = %d, %t; want %d, %t", tt.service, port, needsLookup, tt.port, tt.needsLookup) } } }