// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package armasm import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "io" "math" "strings" ) // GoSyntax returns the Go assembler syntax for the instruction. // The syntax was originally defined by Plan 9. // The pc is the program counter of the instruction, used for expanding // PC-relative addresses into absolute ones. // The symname function queries the symbol table for the program // being disassembled. Given a target address it returns the name and base // address of the symbol containing the target, if any; otherwise it returns "", 0. // The reader r should read from the text segment using text addresses // as offsets; it is used to display pc-relative loads as constant loads. func GoSyntax(inst Inst, pc uint64, symname func(uint64) (string, uint64), text io.ReaderAt) string { if symname == nil { symname = func(uint64) (string, uint64) { return "", 0 } } var args []string for _, a := range inst.Args { if a == nil { break } args = append(args, plan9Arg(&inst, pc, symname, a)) } op := inst.Op.String() switch inst.Op &^ 15 { case LDR_EQ, LDRB_EQ, LDRH_EQ, LDRSB_EQ, LDRSH_EQ, VLDR_EQ: // Check for RET reg, _ := inst.Args[0].(Reg) mem, _ := inst.Args[1].(Mem) if inst.Op&^15 == LDR_EQ && reg == R15 && mem.Base == SP && mem.Sign == 0 && mem.Mode == AddrPostIndex { return fmt.Sprintf("RET%s #%d", op[3:], mem.Offset) } // Check for PC-relative load. if mem.Base == PC && mem.Sign == 0 && mem.Mode == AddrOffset && text != nil { addr := uint32(pc) + 8 + uint32(mem.Offset) buf := make([]byte, 8) switch inst.Op &^ 15 { case LDRB_EQ, LDRSB_EQ: if _, err := text.ReadAt(buf[:1], int64(addr)); err != nil { break } args[1] = fmt.Sprintf("$%#x", buf[0]) case LDRH_EQ, LDRSH_EQ: if _, err := text.ReadAt(buf[:2], int64(addr)); err != nil { break } args[1] = fmt.Sprintf("$%#x", binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(buf)) case LDR_EQ: if _, err := text.ReadAt(buf[:4], int64(addr)); err != nil { break } x := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf) if s, base := symname(uint64(x)); s != "" && uint64(x) == base { args[1] = fmt.Sprintf("$%s(SB)", s) } else { args[1] = fmt.Sprintf("$%#x", x) } case VLDR_EQ: switch { case strings.HasPrefix(args[0], "D"): // VLDR.F64 if _, err := text.ReadAt(buf, int64(addr)); err != nil { break } args[1] = fmt.Sprintf("$%f", math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf))) case strings.HasPrefix(args[0], "S"): // VLDR.F32 if _, err := text.ReadAt(buf[:4], int64(addr)); err != nil { break } args[1] = fmt.Sprintf("$%f", math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf))) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong FP register: %v", inst)) } } } } // Move addressing mode into opcode suffix. suffix := "" switch inst.Op &^ 15 { case PLD, PLI, PLD_W: if mem, ok := inst.Args[0].(Mem); ok { args[0], suffix = memOpTrans(mem) } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("illegal instruction: %v", inst)) } case LDR_EQ, LDRB_EQ, LDRSB_EQ, LDRH_EQ, LDRSH_EQ, STR_EQ, STRB_EQ, STRH_EQ, VLDR_EQ, VSTR_EQ, LDREX_EQ, LDREXH_EQ, LDREXB_EQ: if mem, ok := inst.Args[1].(Mem); ok { args[1], suffix = memOpTrans(mem) } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("illegal instruction: %v", inst)) } case SWP_EQ, SWP_B_EQ, STREX_EQ, STREXB_EQ, STREXH_EQ: if mem, ok := inst.Args[2].(Mem); ok { args[2], suffix = memOpTrans(mem) } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("illegal instruction: %v", inst)) } } // Reverse args, placing dest last. for i, j := 0, len(args)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { args[i], args[j] = args[j], args[i] } // For MLA-like instructions, the addend is the third operand. switch inst.Op &^ 15 { case SMLAWT_EQ, SMLAWB_EQ, MLA_EQ, MLA_S_EQ, MLS_EQ, SMMLA_EQ, SMMLS_EQ, SMLABB_EQ, SMLATB_EQ, SMLABT_EQ, SMLATT_EQ, SMLAD_EQ, SMLAD_X_EQ, SMLSD_EQ, SMLSD_X_EQ: args = []string{args[1], args[2], args[0], args[3]} } // For STREX like instructions, the memory operands comes first. switch inst.Op &^ 15 { case STREX_EQ, STREXB_EQ, STREXH_EQ, SWP_EQ, SWP_B_EQ: args = []string{args[1], args[0], args[2]} } // special process for FP instructions op, args = fpTrans(&inst, op, args) // LDR/STR like instructions -> MOV like switch inst.Op &^ 15 { case MOV_EQ: op = "MOVW" + op[3:] case LDR_EQ, MSR_EQ, MRS_EQ: op = "MOVW" + op[3:] + suffix case VMRS_EQ, VMSR_EQ: op = "MOVW" + op[4:] + suffix case LDRB_EQ, UXTB_EQ: op = "MOVBU" + op[4:] + suffix case LDRSB_EQ: op = "MOVBS" + op[5:] + suffix case SXTB_EQ: op = "MOVBS" + op[4:] + suffix case LDRH_EQ, UXTH_EQ: op = "MOVHU" + op[4:] + suffix case LDRSH_EQ: op = "MOVHS" + op[5:] + suffix case SXTH_EQ: op = "MOVHS" + op[4:] + suffix case STR_EQ: op = "MOVW" + op[3:] + suffix args[0], args[1] = args[1], args[0] case STRB_EQ: op = "MOVB" + op[4:] + suffix args[0], args[1] = args[1], args[0] case STRH_EQ: op = "MOVH" + op[4:] + suffix args[0], args[1] = args[1], args[0] case VSTR_EQ: args[0], args[1] = args[1], args[0] default: op = op + suffix } if args != nil { op += " " + strings.Join(args, ", ") } return op } // assembler syntax for the various shifts. // @x> is a lie; the assembler uses @> 0 // instead of @x> 1, but i wanted to be clear that it // was a different operation (rotate right extended, not rotate right). var plan9Shift = []string{"<<", ">>", "->", "@>", "@x>"} func plan9Arg(inst *Inst, pc uint64, symname func(uint64) (string, uint64), arg Arg) string { switch a := arg.(type) { case Endian: case Imm: return fmt.Sprintf("$%d", uint32(a)) case Mem: case PCRel: addr := uint32(pc) + 8 + uint32(a) if s, base := symname(uint64(addr)); s != "" && uint64(addr) == base { return fmt.Sprintf("%s(SB)", s) } return fmt.Sprintf("%#x", addr) case Reg: if a < 16 { return fmt.Sprintf("R%d", int(a)) } case RegList: var buf bytes.Buffer start := -2 end := -2 fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[") flush := func() { if start >= 0 { if buf.Len() > 1 { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ",") } if start == end { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "R%d", start) } else { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "R%d-R%d", start, end) } start = -2 end = -2 } } for i := 0; i < 16; i++ { if a&(1< (R5) // [r6, #4080] -> 0xff0(R6) // [r2, r0, ror #1] -> (R2)(R0@>1) // inst [r2, -r0, ror #1] -> INST.U (R2)(R0@>1) // input: // // a memory operand // // return values: // // corresponding memory operand in Plan 9 syntax // .W/.P/.U suffix func memOpTrans(mem Mem) (string, string) { suffix := "" switch mem.Mode { case AddrOffset, AddrLDM: // no suffix case AddrPreIndex, AddrLDM_WB: suffix = ".W" case AddrPostIndex: suffix = ".P" } off := "" if mem.Offset != 0 { off = fmt.Sprintf("%#x", mem.Offset) } base := fmt.Sprintf("(R%d)", int(mem.Base)) index := "" if mem.Sign != 0 { sign := "" if mem.Sign < 0 { suffix += ".U" } shift := "" if mem.Count != 0 { shift = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", plan9Shift[mem.Shift], mem.Count) } index = fmt.Sprintf("(%sR%d%s)", sign, int(mem.Index), shift) } return off + base + index, suffix } type goFPInfo struct { op Op transArgs []int // indexes of arguments which need transformation gnuName string // instruction name in GNU syntax goName string // instruction name in Plan 9 syntax } var fpInst []goFPInfo = []goFPInfo{ {VADD_EQ_F32, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VADD", "ADDF"}, {VADD_EQ_F64, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VADD", "ADDD"}, {VSUB_EQ_F32, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VSUB", "SUBF"}, {VSUB_EQ_F64, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VSUB", "SUBD"}, {VMUL_EQ_F32, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VMUL", "MULF"}, {VMUL_EQ_F64, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VMUL", "MULD"}, {VNMUL_EQ_F32, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VNMUL", "NMULF"}, {VNMUL_EQ_F64, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VNMUL", "NMULD"}, {VMLA_EQ_F32, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VMLA", "MULAF"}, {VMLA_EQ_F64, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VMLA", "MULAD"}, {VMLS_EQ_F32, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VMLS", "MULSF"}, {VMLS_EQ_F64, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VMLS", "MULSD"}, {VNMLA_EQ_F32, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VNMLA", "NMULAF"}, {VNMLA_EQ_F64, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VNMLA", "NMULAD"}, {VNMLS_EQ_F32, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VNMLS", "NMULSF"}, {VNMLS_EQ_F64, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VNMLS", "NMULSD"}, {VDIV_EQ_F32, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VDIV", "DIVF"}, {VDIV_EQ_F64, []int{2, 1, 0}, "VDIV", "DIVD"}, {VNEG_EQ_F32, []int{1, 0}, "VNEG", "NEGF"}, {VNEG_EQ_F64, []int{1, 0}, "VNEG", "NEGD"}, {VABS_EQ_F32, []int{1, 0}, "VABS", "ABSF"}, {VABS_EQ_F64, []int{1, 0}, "VABS", "ABSD"}, {VSQRT_EQ_F32, []int{1, 0}, "VSQRT", "SQRTF"}, {VSQRT_EQ_F64, []int{1, 0}, "VSQRT", "SQRTD"}, {VCMP_EQ_F32, []int{1, 0}, "VCMP", "CMPF"}, {VCMP_EQ_F64, []int{1, 0}, "VCMP", "CMPD"}, {VCMP_E_EQ_F32, []int{1, 0}, "VCMP.E", "CMPF"}, {VCMP_E_EQ_F64, []int{1, 0}, "VCMP.E", "CMPD"}, {VLDR_EQ, []int{1}, "VLDR", "MOV"}, {VSTR_EQ, []int{1}, "VSTR", "MOV"}, {VMOV_EQ_F32, []int{1, 0}, "VMOV", "MOVF"}, {VMOV_EQ_F64, []int{1, 0}, "VMOV", "MOVD"}, {VMOV_EQ_32, []int{1, 0}, "VMOV", "MOVW"}, {VMOV_EQ, []int{1, 0}, "VMOV", "MOVW"}, {VCVT_EQ_F64_F32, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVFD"}, {VCVT_EQ_F32_F64, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVDF"}, {VCVT_EQ_F32_U32, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVWF.U"}, {VCVT_EQ_F32_S32, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVWF"}, {VCVT_EQ_S32_F32, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVFW"}, {VCVT_EQ_U32_F32, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVFW.U"}, {VCVT_EQ_F64_U32, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVWD.U"}, {VCVT_EQ_F64_S32, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVWD"}, {VCVT_EQ_S32_F64, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVDW"}, {VCVT_EQ_U32_F64, []int{1, 0}, "VCVT", "MOVDW.U"}, } // convert FP instructions from GNU syntax to Plan 9 syntax, for example, // vadd.f32 s0, s3, s4 -> ADDF F0, S3, F2 // vsub.f64 d0, d2, d4 -> SUBD F0, F2, F4 // vldr s2, [r11] -> MOVF (R11), F1 // inputs: instruction name and arguments in GNU syntax // return values: corresponding instruction name and arguments in Plan 9 syntax func fpTrans(inst *Inst, op string, args []string) (string, []string) { for _, fp := range fpInst { if inst.Op&^15 == fp.op { // remove gnu syntax suffixes op = strings.Replace(op, ".F32", "", -1) op = strings.Replace(op, ".F64", "", -1) op = strings.Replace(op, ".S32", "", -1) op = strings.Replace(op, ".U32", "", -1) op = strings.Replace(op, ".32", "", -1) // compose op name if fp.op == VLDR_EQ || fp.op == VSTR_EQ { switch { case strings.HasPrefix(args[fp.transArgs[0]], "D"): op = "MOVD" + op[len(fp.gnuName):] case strings.HasPrefix(args[fp.transArgs[0]], "S"): op = "MOVF" + op[len(fp.gnuName):] default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong FP register: %v", inst)) } } else { op = fp.goName + op[len(fp.gnuName):] } // transform registers for ix, ri := range fp.transArgs { switch { case strings.HasSuffix(args[ri], "[1]"): // MOVW Rx, Dy[1] break case strings.HasSuffix(args[ri], "[0]"): // Dx[0] -> Fx args[ri] = strings.Replace(args[ri], "[0]", "", -1) fallthrough case strings.HasPrefix(args[ri], "D"): // Dx -> Fx args[ri] = "F" + args[ri][1:] case strings.HasPrefix(args[ri], "S"): if inst.Args[ix].(Reg)&1 == 0 { // Sx -> Fy, y = x/2, if x is even args[ri] = fmt.Sprintf("F%d", (inst.Args[ix].(Reg)-S0)/2) } case strings.HasPrefix(args[ri], "$"): // CMPF/CMPD $0, Fx break case strings.HasPrefix(args[ri], "R"): // MOVW Rx, Dy[1] break default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong FP register: %v", inst)) } } break } } return op, args }