// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package driver import ( "errors" "fmt" "os" "github.com/google/pprof/internal/binutils" "github.com/google/pprof/internal/plugin" ) type source struct { Sources []string ExecName string BuildID string Base []string DiffBase bool Normalize bool Seconds int Timeout int Symbolize string HTTPHostport string HTTPDisableBrowser bool Comment string } // parseFlags parses the command lines through the specified flags package // and returns the source of the profile and optionally the command // for the kind of report to generate (nil for interactive use). func parseFlags(o *plugin.Options) (*source, []string, error) { flag := o.Flagset // Comparisons. flagDiffBase := flag.StringList("diff_base", "", "Source of base profile for comparison") flagBase := flag.StringList("base", "", "Source of base profile for profile subtraction") // Source options. flagSymbolize := flag.String("symbolize", "", "Options for profile symbolization") flagBuildID := flag.String("buildid", "", "Override build id for first mapping") flagTimeout := flag.Int("timeout", -1, "Timeout in seconds for fetching a profile") flagAddComment := flag.String("add_comment", "", "Annotation string to record in the profile") // CPU profile options flagSeconds := flag.Int("seconds", -1, "Length of time for dynamic profiles") // Heap profile options flagInUseSpace := flag.Bool("inuse_space", false, "Display in-use memory size") flagInUseObjects := flag.Bool("inuse_objects", false, "Display in-use object counts") flagAllocSpace := flag.Bool("alloc_space", false, "Display allocated memory size") flagAllocObjects := flag.Bool("alloc_objects", false, "Display allocated object counts") // Contention profile options flagTotalDelay := flag.Bool("total_delay", false, "Display total delay at each region") flagContentions := flag.Bool("contentions", false, "Display number of delays at each region") flagMeanDelay := flag.Bool("mean_delay", false, "Display mean delay at each region") flagTools := flag.String("tools", os.Getenv("PPROF_TOOLS"), "Path for object tool pathnames") flagHTTP := flag.String("http", "", "Present interactive web UI at the specified http host:port") flagNoBrowser := flag.Bool("no_browser", false, "Skip opening a browser for the interactive web UI") // Flags that set configuration properties. cfg := currentConfig() configFlagSetter := installConfigFlags(flag, &cfg) flagCommands := make(map[string]*bool) flagParamCommands := make(map[string]*string) for name, cmd := range pprofCommands { if cmd.hasParam { flagParamCommands[name] = flag.String(name, "", "Generate a report in "+name+" format, matching regexp") } else { flagCommands[name] = flag.Bool(name, false, "Generate a report in "+name+" format") } } args := flag.Parse(func() { o.UI.Print(usageMsgHdr + usage(true) + usageMsgSrc + flag.ExtraUsage() + usageMsgVars) }) if len(args) == 0 { return nil, nil, errors.New("no profile source specified") } var execName string // Recognize first argument as an executable or buildid override. if len(args) > 1 { arg0 := args[0] if file, err := o.Obj.Open(arg0, 0, ^uint64(0), 0, ""); err == nil { file.Close() execName = arg0 args = args[1:] } } // Apply any specified flags to cfg. if err := configFlagSetter(); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } cmd, err := outputFormat(flagCommands, flagParamCommands) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if cmd != nil && *flagHTTP != "" { return nil, nil, errors.New("-http is not compatible with an output format on the command line") } if *flagNoBrowser && *flagHTTP == "" { return nil, nil, errors.New("-no_browser only makes sense with -http") } si := cfg.SampleIndex si = sampleIndex(flagTotalDelay, si, "delay", "-total_delay", o.UI) si = sampleIndex(flagMeanDelay, si, "delay", "-mean_delay", o.UI) si = sampleIndex(flagContentions, si, "contentions", "-contentions", o.UI) si = sampleIndex(flagInUseSpace, si, "inuse_space", "-inuse_space", o.UI) si = sampleIndex(flagInUseObjects, si, "inuse_objects", "-inuse_objects", o.UI) si = sampleIndex(flagAllocSpace, si, "alloc_space", "-alloc_space", o.UI) si = sampleIndex(flagAllocObjects, si, "alloc_objects", "-alloc_objects", o.UI) cfg.SampleIndex = si if *flagMeanDelay { cfg.Mean = true } source := &source{ Sources: args, ExecName: execName, BuildID: *flagBuildID, Seconds: *flagSeconds, Timeout: *flagTimeout, Symbolize: *flagSymbolize, HTTPHostport: *flagHTTP, HTTPDisableBrowser: *flagNoBrowser, Comment: *flagAddComment, } if err := source.addBaseProfiles(*flagBase, *flagDiffBase); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } normalize := cfg.Normalize if normalize && len(source.Base) == 0 { return nil, nil, errors.New("must have base profile to normalize by") } source.Normalize = normalize if bu, ok := o.Obj.(*binutils.Binutils); ok { bu.SetTools(*flagTools) } setCurrentConfig(cfg) return source, cmd, nil } // addBaseProfiles adds the list of base profiles or diff base profiles to // the source. This function will return an error if both base and diff base // profiles are specified. func (source *source) addBaseProfiles(flagBase, flagDiffBase []*string) error { base, diffBase := dropEmpty(flagBase), dropEmpty(flagDiffBase) if len(base) > 0 && len(diffBase) > 0 { return errors.New("-base and -diff_base flags cannot both be specified") } source.Base = base if len(diffBase) > 0 { source.Base, source.DiffBase = diffBase, true } return nil } // dropEmpty list takes a slice of string pointers, and outputs a slice of // non-empty strings associated with the flag. func dropEmpty(list []*string) []string { var l []string for _, s := range list { if *s != "" { l = append(l, *s) } } return l } // installConfigFlags creates command line flags for configuration // fields and returns a function which can be called after flags have // been parsed to copy any flags specified on the command line to // *cfg. func installConfigFlags(flag plugin.FlagSet, cfg *config) func() error { // List of functions for setting the different parts of a config. var setters []func() var err error // Holds any errors encountered while running setters. for _, field := range configFields { n := field.name help := configHelp[n] var setter func() switch ptr := cfg.fieldPtr(field).(type) { case *bool: f := flag.Bool(n, *ptr, help) setter = func() { *ptr = *f } case *int: f := flag.Int(n, *ptr, help) setter = func() { *ptr = *f } case *float64: f := flag.Float64(n, *ptr, help) setter = func() { *ptr = *f } case *string: if len(field.choices) == 0 { f := flag.String(n, *ptr, help) setter = func() { *ptr = *f } } else { // Make a separate flag per possible choice. // Set all flags to initially false so we can // identify conflicts. bools := make(map[string]*bool) for _, choice := range field.choices { bools[choice] = flag.Bool(choice, false, configHelp[choice]) } setter = func() { var set []string for k, v := range bools { if *v { set = append(set, k) } } switch len(set) { case 0: // Leave as default value. case 1: *ptr = set[0] default: err = fmt.Errorf("conflicting options set: %v", set) } } } } setters = append(setters, setter) } return func() error { // Apply the setter for every flag. for _, setter := range setters { setter() if err != nil { return err } } return nil } } func sampleIndex(flag *bool, si string, sampleType, option string, ui plugin.UI) string { if *flag { if si == "" { return sampleType } ui.PrintErr("Multiple value selections, ignoring ", option) } return si } func outputFormat(bcmd map[string]*bool, acmd map[string]*string) (cmd []string, err error) { for n, b := range bcmd { if *b { if cmd != nil { return nil, errors.New("must set at most one output format") } cmd = []string{n} } } for n, s := range acmd { if *s != "" { if cmd != nil { return nil, errors.New("must set at most one output format") } cmd = []string{n, *s} } } return cmd, nil } var usageMsgHdr = `usage: Produce output in the specified format. pprof [options] [binary] ... Omit the format to get an interactive shell whose commands can be used to generate various views of a profile pprof [options] [binary] ... Omit the format and provide the "-http" flag to get an interactive web interface at the specified host:port that can be used to navigate through various views of a profile. pprof -http [host]:[port] [options] [binary] ... Details: ` var usageMsgSrc = "\n\n" + " Source options:\n" + " -seconds Duration for time-based profile collection\n" + " -timeout Timeout in seconds for profile collection\n" + " -buildid Override build id for main binary\n" + " -add_comment Free-form annotation to add to the profile\n" + " Displayed on some reports or with pprof -comments\n" + " -diff_base source Source of base profile for comparison\n" + " -base source Source of base profile for profile subtraction\n" + " profile.pb.gz Profile in compressed protobuf format\n" + " legacy_profile Profile in legacy pprof format\n" + " http://host/profile URL for profile handler to retrieve\n" + " -symbolize= Controls source of symbol information\n" + " none Do not attempt symbolization\n" + " local Examine only local binaries\n" + " fastlocal Only get function names from local binaries\n" + " remote Do not examine local binaries\n" + " force Force re-symbolization\n" + " Binary Local path or build id of binary for symbolization\n" var usageMsgVars = "\n\n" + " Misc options:\n" + " -http Provide web interface at host:port.\n" + " Host is optional and 'localhost' by default.\n" + " Port is optional and a randomly available port by default.\n" + " -no_browser Skip opening a browser for the interactive web UI.\n" + " -tools Search path for object tools\n" + "\n" + " Legacy convenience options:\n" + " -inuse_space Same as -sample_index=inuse_space\n" + " -inuse_objects Same as -sample_index=inuse_objects\n" + " -alloc_space Same as -sample_index=alloc_space\n" + " -alloc_objects Same as -sample_index=alloc_objects\n" + " -total_delay Same as -sample_index=delay\n" + " -contentions Same as -sample_index=contentions\n" + " -mean_delay Same as -mean -sample_index=delay\n" + "\n" + " Environment Variables:\n" + " PPROF_TMPDIR Location for saved profiles (default $HOME/pprof)\n" + " PPROF_TOOLS Search path for object-level tools\n" + " PPROF_BINARY_PATH Search path for local binary files\n" + " default: $HOME/pprof/binaries\n" + " searches $buildid/$name, $buildid/*, $path/$buildid,\n" + " ${buildid:0:2}/${buildid:2}.debug, $name, $path,\n" + " ${name}.debug, $dir/.debug/${name}.debug,\n" + " usr/lib/debug/$dir/${name}.debug\n" + " * On Windows, %USERPROFILE% is used instead of $HOME"