Text file src/cmd/go/testdata/script/version_buildvcs_nested.txt

     1  [!git] skip
     2  [!exec:hg] skip
     3  [short] skip
     4  env GOFLAGS='-n -buildvcs'
     6  # Create a root module in a root Git repository.
     7  mkdir root
     8  cd root
     9  go mod init example.com/root
    10  exec git init
    12  # Nesting repositories in parent directories are ignored, as the current
    13  # directory main package, and containing main module are in the same repository.
    14  # This is an error in GOPATH mode (to prevent VCS injection), but for modules,
    15  # we assume users have control over repositories they've checked out.
    16  mkdir hgsub
    17  cd hgsub
    18  exec hg init
    19  cp ../../main.go main.go
    20  ! go build
    21  stderr '^error obtaining VCS status: main module is in repository ".*root" but current directory is in repository ".*hgsub"$'
    22  stderr '^\tUse -buildvcs=false to disable VCS stamping.$'
    23  go build -buildvcs=false
    24  go mod init example.com/root/hgsub
    25  go build
    26  cd ..
    28  # It's an error to build a package from a nested Git repository if the package
    29  # is in a separate repository from the current directory or from the module
    30  # root directory.
    31  mkdir gitsub
    32  cd gitsub
    33  exec git init
    34  exec git config user.name 'J.R.Gopher'
    35  exec git config user.email 'gopher@golang.org'
    36  cp ../../main.go main.go
    37  ! go build
    38  stderr '^error obtaining VCS status: main module is in repository ".*root" but current directory is in repository ".*gitsub"$'
    39  go build -buildvcs=false
    40  go mod init example.com/root/gitsub
    41  exec git commit --allow-empty -m empty # status commands fail without this
    42  go build
    43  rm go.mod
    44  cd ..
    45  ! go build ./gitsub
    46  stderr '^error obtaining VCS status: main package is in repository ".*gitsub" but current directory is in repository ".*root"$'
    47  go build -buildvcs=false -o=gitsub${/} ./gitsub
    49  -- main.go --
    50  package main
    51  func main() {}

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