# Tests that the linker implements the PPC64 ELFv2 ABI # register save and restore functions as defined in # section of the PPC64 ELFv2 ABI when linking # external objects most likely compiled with gcc's # -Os option. # # Verifies golang.org/issue/52366 for linux/ppc64le [!GOOS:linux] skip [!compiler:gc] skip [!cgo] skip [!GOARCH:ppc64le] skip go build -ldflags='-linkmode=internal' exec ./abitest stdout success go build -buildmode=pie -o abitest.pie -ldflags='-linkmode=internal' exec ./abitest.pie stdout success -- go.mod -- module abitest -- abitest.go -- package main /* #cgo CFLAGS: -Os int foo_fpr() { asm volatile("":::"fr31","fr30","fr29","fr28"); } int foo_gpr0() { asm volatile("":::"r30","r29","r28"); } int foo_gpr1() { asm volatile("":::"fr31", "fr30","fr29","fr28","r30","r29","r28"); } int foo_vr() { asm volatile("":::"v31","v30","v29","v28"); } */ import "C" import "fmt" func main() { C.foo_fpr() C.foo_gpr0() C.foo_gpr1() C.foo_vr() fmt.Println("success") }