# Regression test for golang.org/issue/46867: # 'go mod vendor' on Windows attempted to open and copy # files from directories outside of the module. cd subdir go mod vendor ! exists vendor/example.net/NOTICE exists vendor/example.net/m/NOTICE -- subdir/go.mod -- module golang.org/issue46867 go 1.17 replace example.net/m v0.1.0 => ./m require example.net/m v0.1.0 -- subdir/issue.go -- package issue import _ "example.net/m/n" -- subdir/m/go.mod -- module example.net/m go 1.17 -- subdir/m/n/n.go -- package n -- subdir/m/NOTICE -- This notice is in module m and SHOULD be vendored. -- subdir/NOTICE -- This notice is outside of module m and SHOULD NOT be vendored.