env GO111MODULE=on [!symlink] skip cd m symlink symlink -> ../outside cp go.mod go.mod.orig # Issue 35941: suppress symlink warnings when running 'go mod tidy'. # 'go mod tidy' should not scan packages in symlinked subdirectories. go mod tidy ! stderr 'warning: ignoring symlink' cmp go.mod go.mod.orig ! go build ./symlink stderr '^symlink[\\/]symlink.go:3:8: module example.net/unresolved provides package example.net/unresolved and is replaced but not required; to add it:\n\tgo get example.net/unresolved@v0.1.0$' -- m/go.mod -- module example.net/m go 1.16 replace example.net/unresolved v0.1.0 => ../unresolved -- m/a.go -- package a -- outside/symlink.go -- package symlink import _ "example.net/unresolved" -- unresolved/go.mod -- module example.net/unresolved go 1.16 -- unresolved/unresolved.go -- // Package unresolved exists, but 'go mod tidy' won't add it. package unresolved