# The loader should not attempt to resolve imports of the "all", "std", and "cmd" meta-packages. ! go list -deps ./importall ! stderr 'internal error' stderr '^importall[/\\]x.go:3:8: "all" is not an importable package; see ''go help packages''$' ! go list -deps ./importcmd ! stderr 'internal error' stderr '^importcmd[/\\]x.go:3:8: "cmd" is not an importable package; see ''go help packages''$' ! go list -deps ./importstd ! stderr 'internal error' stderr '^importstd[/\\]x.go:3:8: "std" is not an importable package; see ''go help packages''$' # Not even if such a path is theoretically provided by a (necessarily replaced) module. go mod edit -replace std@v0.1.0=./modstd go mod edit -require std@v0.1.0 ! go list -deps ./importstd stderr '^importstd[/\\]x.go:3:8: "std" is not an importable package; see ''go help packages''$' -- go.mod -- module example.com go 1.16 -- importall/x.go -- package importall import _ "all" -- importcmd/x.go -- package importcmd import _ "cmd" -- importstd/x.go -- package importstd import _ "std" -- modstd/go.mod -- module std go 1.16 -- modstd/std.go -- // Package std is an incredibly confusingly-named package. package std