# https://golang.org/issue/45979: after 'go get' on a package, # that package should be importable without error. # We start out with an unresolved dependency. # 'go list' suggests that we run 'go get' on that dependency. ! go list -deps . stderr '^m.go:3:8: no required module provides package rsc\.io/quote; to add it:\n\tgo get rsc.io/quote$' # When we run the suggested 'go get' command, the new dependency can be used # immediately. # # 'go get' marks the new dependency as 'indirect', because it doesn't scan # enough source code to know whether it is direct, and it is easier and less # invasive to remove an incorrect indirect mark (e.g. using 'go get') than to # add one that is missing ('go mod tidy' or 'go mod vendor'). go get rsc.io/quote grep 'rsc.io/quote v\d+\.\d+\.\d+ // indirect$' go.mod ! grep 'rsc.io/quote v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$' go.mod go list -deps . ! stderr . [!short] go build . [!short] ! stderr . # 'go get .' (or 'go mod tidy') removes the indirect mark. go get . grep 'rsc.io/quote v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$' go.mod ! grep 'rsc.io/quote v\d+\.\d+\.\d+ // indirect$' go.mod -- go.mod -- module example.com/m go 1.17 -- m.go -- package m import _ "rsc.io/quote"