# https://golang.org/issue/44725: packages in std should have the same # dependencies regardless of whether they are listed from within or outside # GOROOT/src. # Control case: net, viewed from outside the 'std' module, # should depend on vendor/golang.org/… instead of golang.org/…. go list -deps net stdout '^vendor/golang.org/x/net' ! stdout '^golang.org/x/net' cp stdout $WORK/net-deps.txt # It should still report the same package dependencies when viewed from # within GOROOT/src. cd $GOROOT/src go list -deps net stdout '^vendor/golang.org/x/net' ! stdout '^golang.org/x/net' cmp stdout $WORK/net-deps.txt # However, 'go mod' and 'go get' subcommands should report the original module # dependencies, not the vendored packages. [!net:golang.org] stop env GOPROXY= env GOWORK=off go mod why -m golang.org/x/net stdout '^# golang.org/x/net\nnet\ngolang.org/x/net'