# Issue #46092 # go list -find should always return a package with an empty Deps list # The linker loads implicit dependencies go list -find -f {{.Deps}} ./cmd stdout '\[\]' # Cgo translation may add imports of "unsafe", "runtime/cgo" and "syscall" go list -find -f {{.Deps}} ./cgo stdout '\[\]' # SWIG adds imports of some standard packages go list -find -f {{.Deps}} ./swig stdout '\[\]' -- go.mod -- module listfind -- cmd/main.go -- package main func main() {} -- cgo/pkg.go -- package cgopkg /* #include */ import "C" func F() { println(C.INT_MAX) } -- cgo/pkg_notcgo.go -- //go:build !cgo // +build !cgo package cgopkg func F() { println(0) } -- swig/pkg.go -- package swigpkg -- swig/a.swigcxx --