# go list all should work with GOOS=linux because all packages build on Linux env GOOS=linux env GOARCH=amd64 go list all # go list all should work with GOOS=darwin, but it used to fail because # in the absence of //go:build support, p looked like it needed q # (p_test.go was not properly excluded), and q was Linux-only. # # Also testing with r and s that +build lines keep working. env GOOS=darwin go list all -- go.mod -- go 1.17 module m -- p/p.go -- package p -- p/p_test.go -- //go:build linux package p import "m/q" -- q/q_linux.go -- package q -- r/r.go -- package r -- r/r_test.go -- // +build linux package r import "m/s" -- s/s_linux.go -- package s