# This test checks that -coverpkg=all can be used # when the package pattern includes packages # which only have tests. # Verifies golang.org/issue/27333, golang.org/issue/43242. [short] skip cd $GOPATH/src/example.com/cov env GO111MODULE=on go test -coverpkg=all ./... env GO111MODULE=off go test -coverpkg=all ./... -- $GOPATH/src/example.com/cov/go.mod -- module example.com/cov -- $GOPATH/src/example.com/cov/notest/notest.go -- package notest func Foo() {} -- $GOPATH/src/example.com/cov/onlytest/onlytest_test.go -- package onlytest_test import ( "testing" "example.com/cov/notest" ) func TestFoo(t *testing.T) { notest.Foo() } -- $GOPATH/src/example.com/cov/withtest/withtest.go -- package withtest func Bar() {} -- $GOPATH/src/example.com/cov/withtest/withtest_test.go -- package withtest import "testing" func TestBar(t *testing.T) { Bar() }