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x/net/http2: Spec conformance fails #38647

nfisher opened this issue Apr 24, 2020 · 2 comments

x/net/http2: Spec conformance fails #38647

nfisher opened this issue Apr 24, 2020 · 2 comments


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nfisher commented Apr 24, 2020

What version of Go are you using (go version)?

$ go version
go version go1.14.2 darwin/amd64

Does this issue reproduce with the latest release?


What operating system and processor architecture are you using (go env)?

go env Output
$ go env
GOENV="/Users/nfisher/Library/Application Support/go/env"
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/var/folders/96/3dc1j8vj39l7qqhz8bdlk89c0000gn/T/go-build889400283=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches -fno-common"

What did you do?

I ran h2spec -p 8443 -k -t against a minimal http.ListenAndServeTLS . Will post code once I've cleaned it up for a minimal test case.

Details in go.mod are as follows:

module foo/bar
go 1.14

require v0.0.0-20200421231249-e086a090c8fd

main.go (it's basically the echo handler)

package main

import (


type capitalizeReader struct {
	r io.Reader

func (cr capitalizeReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	n, err = cr.r.Read(p)
	for i, b := range p[:n] {
		if b >= 'a' && b <= 'z' {
			p[i] = b - ('a' - 'A')

type flushWriter struct {
	w io.Writer

func (fw flushWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	n, err = fw.w.Write(p)
	if f, ok := fw.w.(http.Flusher); ok {

func echoCapitalHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if f, ok := w.(http.Flusher); ok {
	io.Copy(flushWriter{w}, capitalizeReader{r.Body})

func main() {
	host := "localhost"
	privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 4096)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error generating key: %v\n", err)
	writeKey(privateKey, host)

	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	mux.HandleFunc("/", echoCapitalHandler)

	w, err := os.Create("nss.log")
	if err != nil {
	cfg := &tls.Config{
		MinVersion:    tls.VersionTLS12,
		Renegotiation: tls.RenegotiateOnceAsClient,
		CipherSuites: []uint16{
		KeyLogWriter: w,
	srv := &http.Server{
		Addr:      fmt.Sprintf("%s:8443", host),
		Handler:   mux,
		TLSConfig: cfg,

	//ConnState: idleTimeoutHook(),

	http2.VerboseLogs = true
	//http2.ConfigureServer(srv, &http2.Server{})
	log.Printf("binding to listening address %s:8443\n", host)
	log.Fatal(srv.ListenAndServeTLS("cert.pem", "key.pem"))

// writeKey converts the rsa.PrivateKey to a PEM key and writes it to disk.
func writeKey(priv *rsa.PrivateKey, host string) {
	var validFor time.Duration = time.Hour * 7 * 24
	notBefore := time.Now()
	notAfter := notBefore.Add(validFor)

	serialNumberLimit := new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(1), 128)
	serialNumber, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, serialNumberLimit)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to generate serial number: %v", err)

	template := x509.Certificate{
		SerialNumber: serialNumber,
		Subject: pkix.Name{
			Organization: []string{"Instana Inc."},
		NotBefore: notBefore,
		NotAfter:  notAfter,

		KeyUsage:              x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment | x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature,
		ExtKeyUsage:           []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth},
		BasicConstraintsValid: true,

	if ip := net.ParseIP(host); ip != nil {
		template.IPAddresses = append(template.IPAddresses, ip)

	derBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &template, &template, &priv.PublicKey, priv)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create certificate: %v", err)

	certOut, err := os.Create("cert.pem")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to open cert.pem for writing: %v", err)
	if err := pem.Encode(certOut, &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: derBytes}); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to write data to cert.pem: %v", err)
	if err := certOut.Close(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error closing cert.pem: %v", err)
	log.Print("wrote cert.pem\n")

	keyOut, err := os.OpenFile("key.pem", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0600)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to open key.pem for writing: %v", err)
	privBytes, err := x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(priv)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal private key: %v", err)
	if err := pem.Encode(keyOut, &pem.Block{Type: "PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: privBytes}); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to write data to key.pem: %v", err)
	if err := keyOut.Close(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error closing key.pem: %v", err)
	log.Print("wrote key.pem\n")

What did you expect to see?

All tests to pass.

What did you see instead?

The following summary of failures:

  • 4.2.3: Sends a large size HEADERS frame that exceeds the SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE
  • Sends HEADERS frames that causes their advertised concurrent stream limit to be exceeded
  • Sends a HEADERS frame that contains the connection-specific header field
  • Sends a HEADERS frame that contains the TE header field with any value other than "trailers"

The results summary was 145 tests, 137 passed, 4 skipped, 4 failed

Full output:

h2spec -p 8443 -k -t 
Generic tests for HTTP/2 server
  1. Starting HTTP/2
    ✔ 1: Sends a client connection preface

  2. Streams and Multiplexing
    ✔ 1: Sends a PRIORITY frame on idle stream
    ✔ 2: Sends a WINDOW_UPDATE frame on half-closed (remote) stream
    ✔ 3: Sends a PRIORITY frame on half-closed (remote) stream
    ✔ 4: Sends a RST_STREAM frame on half-closed (remote) stream
    ✔ 5: Sends a PRIORITY frame on closed stream

  3. Frame Definitions
    3.1. DATA
      ✔ 1: Sends a DATA frame
      ✔ 2: Sends multiple DATA frames
      ✔ 3: Sends a DATA frame with padding

    3.2. HEADERS
      ✔ 1: Sends a HEADERS frame
      ✔ 2: Sends a HEADERS frame with padding
      ✔ 3: Sends a HEADERS frame with priority

    3.3. PRIORITY
      ✔ 1: Sends a PRIORITY frame with priority 1
      ✔ 2: Sends a PRIORITY frame with priority 256
      ✔ 3: Sends a PRIORITY frame with stream dependency
      ✔ 4: Sends a PRIORITY frame with exclusive
      ✔ 5: Sends a PRIORITY frame for an idle stream, then send a HEADER frame for a lower stream ID

    3.4. RST_STREAM
      ✔ 1: Sends a RST_STREAM frame

    3.5. SETTINGS
      ✔ 1: Sends a SETTINGS frame

    3.7. PING
      ✔ 1: Sends a PING frame

    3.8. GOAWAY
      ✔ 1: Sends a GOAWAY frame

      ✔ 1: Sends a WINDOW_UPDATE frame with stream ID 0
      ✔ 2: Sends a WINDOW_UPDATE frame with stream ID 1

      ✔ 1: Sends a CONTINUATION frame
      ✔ 2: Sends multiple CONTINUATION frames

  4. HTTP Message Exchanges
    ✔ 1: Sends a GET request
    ✔ 2: Sends a HEAD request
    ✔ 3: Sends a POST request
    ✔ 4: Sends a POST request with trailers

  5. HPACK
    ✔ 1: Sends a indexed header field representation
    ✔ 2: Sends a literal header field with incremental indexing - indexed name
    ✔ 3: Sends a literal header field with incremental indexing - indexed name (with Huffman coding)
    ✔ 4: Sends a literal header field with incremental indexing - new name
    ✔ 5: Sends a literal header field with incremental indexing - new name (with Huffman coding)
    ✔ 6: Sends a literal header field without indexing - indexed name
    ✔ 7: Sends a literal header field without indexing - indexed name (with Huffman coding)
    ✔ 8: Sends a literal header field without indexing - new name
    ✔ 9: Sends a literal header field without indexing - new name (huffman encoded)
    ✔ 10: Sends a literal header field never indexed - indexed name
    ✔ 11: Sends a literal header field never indexed - indexed name (huffman encoded)
    ✔ 12: Sends a literal header field never indexed - new name
    ✔ 13: Sends a literal header field never indexed - new name (huffman encoded)
    ✔ 14: Sends a dynamic table size update
    ✔ 15: Sends multiple dynamic table size update

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)
  3. Starting HTTP/2
    3.5. HTTP/2 Connection Preface
      ✔ 1: Sends client connection preface
      ✔ 2: Sends invalid connection preface

  4. HTTP Frames
    4.1. Frame Format
      ✔ 1: Sends a frame with unknown type
      ✔ 2: Sends a frame with undefined flag
      ✔ 3: Sends a frame with reserved field bit

    4.2. Frame Size
      ✔ 1: Sends a DATA frame with 2^14 octets in length
      ✔ 2: Sends a large size DATA frame that exceeds the SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE
      × 3: Sends a large size HEADERS frame that exceeds the SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE
        -> The endpoint MUST respond with a connection error of type FRAME_SIZE_ERROR.
           Expected: GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: FRAME_SIZE_ERROR)
                     Connection closed
             Actual: DATA Frame (length:0, flags:0x01, stream_id:1)

    4.3. Header Compression and Decompression
      ✔ 1: Sends invalid header block fragment
      ✔ 2: Sends a PRIORITY frame while sending the header blocks
      ✔ 3: Sends a HEADERS frame to another stream while sending the header blocks

  5. Streams and Multiplexing
    5.1. Stream States
      ✔ 1: idle: Sends a DATA frame
      ✔ 2: idle: Sends a RST_STREAM frame
      ✔ 3: idle: Sends a WINDOW_UPDATE frame
      ✔ 4: idle: Sends a CONTINUATION frame
      ✔ 5: half closed (remote): Sends a DATA frame
      ✔ 6: half closed (remote): Sends a HEADERS frame
      ✔ 7: half closed (remote): Sends a CONTINUATION frame
      ✔ 8: closed: Sends a DATA frame after sending RST_STREAM frame
      ✔ 9: closed: Sends a HEADERS frame after sending RST_STREAM frame
      ✔ 10: closed: Sends a CONTINUATION frame after sending RST_STREAM frame
      ✔ 11: closed: Sends a DATA frame
      ✔ 12: closed: Sends a HEADERS frame
      ✔ 13: closed: Sends a CONTINUATION frame

      5.1.1. Stream Identifiers
        ✔ 1: Sends even-numbered stream identifier
        ✔ 2: Sends stream identifier that is numerically smaller than previous

      5.1.2. Stream Concurrency
        × 1: Sends HEADERS frames that causes their advertised concurrent stream limit to be exceeded
          -> The endpoint MUST treat this as a stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR or REFUSED_STREAM.
             Expected: GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                       RST_STREAM Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                       GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: REFUSED_STREAM)
                       RST_STREAM Frame (Error Code: REFUSED_STREAM)
                       Connection closed
               Actual: DATA Frame (length:0, flags:0x01, stream_id:85)

    5.3. Stream Priority
      5.3.1. Stream Dependencies
        ✔ 1: Sends HEADERS frame that depends on itself
        ✔ 2: Sends PRIORITY frame that depend on itself

    5.4. Error Handling
      5.4.1. Connection Error Handling
        ✔ 1: Sends an invalid PING frame for connection close

    5.5. Extending HTTP/2
      ✔ 1: Sends an unknown extension frame
      ✔ 2: Sends an unknown extension frame in the middle of a header block

  6. Frame Definitions
    6.1. DATA
      ✔ 1: Sends a DATA frame with 0x0 stream identifier
      ✔ 2: Sends a DATA frame on the stream that is not in "open" or "half-closed (local)" state
      ✔ 3: Sends a DATA frame with invalid pad length

    6.2. HEADERS
      ✔ 1: Sends a HEADERS frame without the END_HEADERS flag, and a PRIORITY frame
      ✔ 2: Sends a HEADERS frame to another stream while sending a HEADERS frame
      ✔ 3: Sends a HEADERS frame with 0x0 stream identifier
      ✔ 4: Sends a HEADERS frame with invalid pad length

    6.3. PRIORITY
      ✔ 1: Sends a PRIORITY frame with 0x0 stream identifier
      ✔ 2: Sends a PRIORITY frame with a length other than 5 octets

    6.4. RST_STREAM
      ✔ 1: Sends a RST_STREAM frame with 0x0 stream identifier
      ✔ 2: Sends a RST_STREAM frame on a idle stream
      ✔ 3: Sends a RST_STREAM frame with a length other than 4 octets

    6.5. SETTINGS
      ✔ 1: Sends a SETTINGS frame with ACK flag and payload
      ✔ 2: Sends a SETTINGS frame with a stream identifier other than 0x0
      ✔ 3: Sends a SETTINGS frame with a length other than a multiple of 6 octets

      6.5.2. Defined SETTINGS Parameters
        ✔ 1: SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH (0x2): Sends the value other than 0 or 1
        ✔ 2: SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE (0x4): Sends the value above the maximum flow control window size
        ✔ 3: SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE (0x5): Sends the value below the initial value
        ✔ 4: SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE (0x5): Sends the value above the maximum allowed frame size
        ✔ 5: Sends a SETTINGS frame with unknown identifier

      6.5.3. Settings Synchronization
        1: Sends multiple values of SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZEZE
        ✔ 2: Sends a SETTINGS frame without ACK flag

    6.7. PING
      ✔ 1: Sends a PING frame
      ✔ 2: Sends a PING frame with ACK
      ✔ 3: Sends a PING frame with a stream identifier field value other than 0x0
      ✔ 4: Sends a PING frame with a length field value other than 8

    6.8. GOAWAY
      ✔ 1: Sends a GOAWAY frame with a stream identifier other than 0x0

      ✔ 1: Sends a WINDOW_UPDATE frame with a flow control window increment of 0
      ✔ 2: Sends a WINDOW_UPDATE frame with a flow control window increment of 0 on a stream
      ✔ 3: Sends a WINDOW_UPDATE frame with a length other than 4 octets

      6.9.1. The Flow-Control Window
        1: Sends SETTINGS frame to set the initial window size to 1 and sends HEADERS frameme
        ✔ 2: Sends multiple WINDOW_UPDATE frames increasing the flow control window to above 2^31-1
        ✔ 3: Sends multiple WINDOW_UPDATE frames increasing the flow control window to above 2^31-1 on a stream

      6.9.2. Initial Flow-Control Window Size
        1: Changes SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE after sending HEADERS frameme
        2: Sends a SETTINGS frame for window size to be negativeve
        ✔ 3: Sends a SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE settings with an exceeded maximum window size value

      ✔ 1: Sends multiple CONTINUATION frames preceded by a HEADERS frame
      ✔ 2: Sends a CONTINUATION frame followed by any frame other than CONTINUATION
      ✔ 3: Sends a CONTINUATION frame with 0x0 stream identifier
      ✔ 4: Sends a CONTINUATION frame preceded by a HEADERS frame with END_HEADERS flag
      ✔ 5: Sends a CONTINUATION frame preceded by a CONTINUATION frame with END_HEADERS flag
      ✔ 6: Sends a CONTINUATION frame preceded by a DATA frame

  7. Error Codes
    ✔ 1: Sends a GOAWAY frame with unknown error code
    ✔ 2: Sends a RST_STREAM frame with unknown error code

  8. HTTP Message Exchanges
    8.1. HTTP Request/Response Exchange
      ✔ 1: Sends a second HEADERS frame without the END_STREAM flag

      8.1.2. HTTP Header Fields
        ✔ 1: Sends a HEADERS frame that contains the header field name in uppercase letters Pseudo-Header Fields
          ✔ 1: Sends a HEADERS frame that contains a unknown pseudo-header field
          ✔ 2: Sends a HEADERS frame that contains the pseudo-header field defined for response
          ✔ 3: Sends a HEADERS frame that contains a pseudo-header field as trailers
          ✔ 4: Sends a HEADERS frame that contains a pseudo-header field that appears in a header block after a regular header field Connection-Specific Header Fields
          × 1: Sends a HEADERS frame that contains the connection-specific header field
            -> The endpoint MUST respond with a stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR.
               Expected: GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                         RST_STREAM Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                         Connection closed
                 Actual: DATA Frame (length:51, flags:0x01, stream_id:1)
          × 2: Sends a HEADERS frame that contains the TE header field with any value other than "trailers"
            -> The endpoint MUST respond with a stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR.
               Expected: GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                         RST_STREAM Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                         Connection closed
                 Actual: DATA Frame (length:53, flags:0x01, stream_id:1) Request Pseudo-Header Fields
          ✔ 1: Sends a HEADERS frame with empty ":path" pseudo-header field
          ✔ 2: Sends a HEADERS frame that omits ":method" pseudo-header field
          ✔ 3: Sends a HEADERS frame that omits ":scheme" pseudo-header field
          ✔ 4: Sends a HEADERS frame that omits ":path" pseudo-header field
          ✔ 5: Sends a HEADERS frame with duplicated ":method" pseudo-header field
          ✔ 6: Sends a HEADERS frame with duplicated ":scheme" pseudo-header field
          ✔ 7: Sends a HEADERS frame with duplicated ":path" pseudo-header field Malformed Requests and Responses
          ✔ 1: Sends a HEADERS frame with the "content-length" header field which does not equal the DATA frame payload length
          ✔ 2: Sends a HEADERS frame with the "content-length" header field which does not equal the sum of the multiple DATA frames payload length

    8.2. Server Push
      ✔ 1: Sends a PUSH_PROMISE frame

HPACK: Header Compression for HTTP/2
  2. Compression Process Overview
    2.3. Indexing Tables
      2.3.3. Index Address Space
        ✔ 1: Sends a header field representation with invalid index

  4. Dynamic Table Management
    4.2. Maximum Table Size
      ✔ 1: Sends a dynamic table size update at the end of header block

  5. Primitive Type Representations
    5.2. String Literal Representation
      ✔ 1: Sends a Huffman-encoded string literal representation with padding longer than 7 bits
      ✔ 2: Sends a Huffman-encoded string literal representation padded by zero
      ✔ 3: Sends a Huffman-encoded string literal representation containing the EOS symbol

  6. Binary Format
    6.1. Indexed Header Field Representation
      ✔ 1: Sends a indexed header field representation with index 0

    6.3. Dynamic Table Size Update
      ✔ 1: Sends a dynamic table size update larger than the value of SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE


Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)
  4. HTTP Frames
    4.2. Frame Size
      × 3: Sends a large size HEADERS frame that exceeds the SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE
        -> The endpoint MUST respond with a connection error of type FRAME_SIZE_ERROR.
           Expected: GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: FRAME_SIZE_ERROR)
                     Connection closed
             Actual: DATA Frame (length:0, flags:0x01, stream_id:1)

  5. Streams and Multiplexing
    5.1. Stream States
      5.1.2. Stream Concurrency
        × 1: Sends HEADERS frames that causes their advertised concurrent stream limit to be exceeded
          -> The endpoint MUST treat this as a stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR or REFUSED_STREAM.
             Expected: GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                       RST_STREAM Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                       GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: REFUSED_STREAM)
                       RST_STREAM Frame (Error Code: REFUSED_STREAM)
                       Connection closed
               Actual: DATA Frame (length:0, flags:0x01, stream_id:85)

  8. HTTP Message Exchanges
    8.1. HTTP Request/Response Exchange
      8.1.2. HTTP Header Fields Connection-Specific Header Fields
          × 1: Sends a HEADERS frame that contains the connection-specific header field
            -> The endpoint MUST respond with a stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR.
               Expected: GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                         RST_STREAM Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                         Connection closed
                 Actual: DATA Frame (length:51, flags:0x01, stream_id:1)
          × 2: Sends a HEADERS frame that contains the TE header field with any value other than "trailers"
            -> The endpoint MUST respond with a stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR.
               Expected: GOAWAY Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                         RST_STREAM Frame (Error Code: PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                         Connection closed
                 Actual: DATA Frame (length:53, flags:0x01, stream_id:1)

Finished in 13.5771 seconds
145 tests, 137 passed, 4 skipped, 4 failed
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ALTree commented Apr 24, 2020

Thanks for the report.

Overall it seems that of the 4 violations, one is actually not a violation and for the other 3 we already have specific issues tracking them.

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nfisher commented Apr 24, 2020

Will close this issue thanks!

@nfisher nfisher closed this as completed Apr 24, 2020
@golang golang locked and limited conversation to collaborators Apr 24, 2021
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