cmd/cgo: crash when function received string with chinese characters #29653
Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one.
Issue is not actionable because of missing required information, which needs to be provided.
What version of Go are you using (
go version
)?Does this issue reproduce with the latest release?
currently 1.11 is the latest release
What operating system and processor architecture are you using (
go env
)?go env
OutputWhat did you do?
I have a wrapper function in C file.
void initBlink(char *dllpath, char *localstorage, char *cookiejar)
and call it in other go file.
C.initBlink( C.CString(dllPath), C.CString(TempPath), C.CString(filepath.Join(TempPath, "cookie.dat")), )
What did you expect to see?
I expect it to run normally.
What did you see instead?
if the dllPath or TempPath has chinese characters, progrom will crash with below output
Exception 0xc0000005 0x0 0x0 0x0
signal arrived during external code execution, 0x2113c50, 0x2113c88)
_cgo_gotypes.go:138 +0x33, 0x39)
e:/gowork/src/ +0xc1
created by
e:/gowork/src/ +0x212
goroutine 1 [syscall, locked to thread]:
syscall.Syscall9(0x751e4340, 0x7, 0x300, 0x13c105b0, 0x13c6b360, 0x400, 0x13c6b354, 0x0, 0x13db6120, 0x0, ...)
E:/Go/src/runtime/syscall_windows.go:198 +0xcf
internal/syscall/windows/registry.regLoadMUIString(0x324, 0x13c10630, 0x400, 0x13da6940, 0xf, 0x0, 0x13db6480, 0x0, 0x0)
E:/Go/src/internal/syscall/windows/registry/zsyscall_windows.go:92 +0xa3
fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x89 pc=0x444f7f]
runtime stack:
runtime: unexpected return pc for runtime.sigtramp called from 0x33fff96c
stack: frame={sp:0x33fff73c, fp:0x33fff740} stack=[0x0,0x33ffff28)
33fff6b: 0040957d <runtime.unlock+93> 012782b0 00000000 00445bd1 <runtime.traceback+65>
33fff6cc: 0040389f <runtime.cgocall+95> 13c6b2b8 00000000 13c24000
33fff6dc: 00000000 00446d58 <runtime.tracebackothers+328> ffffffff ffffffff
33fff6ec: 00000000 13c24000 00000001 00000000
33fff6fc: 0000000d 13c24000 00000000 13c24460
33fff70c: 13c82ac0 00439738 <runtime.lastcontinuehandler+504> 13c249a0 33fffe9c
33fff71c: 00000000 13c249a0 00000000 00000000
33fff72c: 00000000 00000000 13c24460 0044ed00 <runtime.sigtramp+128>
33fff73c: <33fff96c >33fff9bc 13c249a0 0044ed40 <runtime.lastcontinuetramp+0>
33fff74c: 33fff7fc 00000000 0044ed40 <runtime.lastcontinuetramp+0> 33fff82c
33fff75c: 13c24460 33fff73c 76bd5cf0 33fff82c
33fff76c: fe4c53c7 00000000 76bd5b50 00000000
33fff77c: 00000000 7528ca20 00000001 00000000
33fff78c: 00000000 00000006 33fff82c 00000004
33fff79: 00000000 02113cc8 00000000 00000000
33fff7ac: 00000000 02113c08 77bbb569 0000002b
33fff7bc: 00000000
runtime.throw(0xf06358, 0x2a)
E:/Go/src/runtime/panic.go:608 +0x64
E:/Go/src/runtime/signal_windows.go:198 +0x14d
runtime.gentraceback(0x40389f, 0x13c6b2b8, 0x0, 0x13c24000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x64, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
E:/Go/src/runtime/traceback.go:249 +0x113f
runtime.traceback1(0x40389f, 0x13c6b2b8, 0x0, 0x13c24000, 0x0)
E:/Go/src/runtime/traceback.go:719 +0xef
runtime.traceback(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, 0x13c24000)
E:/Go/src/runtime/traceback.go:673 +0x41
E:/Go/src/runtime/traceback.go:938 +0x148
runtime.lastcontinuehandler(0x33fff96c, 0x33fff9bc, 0x13c249a0, 0x44ed40)
E:/Go/src/runtime/signal_windows.go:183 +0x1f8
runtime: unexpected return pc for runtime.sigtramp called from 0x33fff96c
stack: frame={sp:0x33fff73c, fp:0x33fff740} stack=[0x0,0x33ffff28)
33fff6b: 0040957d <runtime.unlock+93> 012782b0 00000000 00445bd1 <runtime.traceback+65>
33fff6cc: 0040389f <runtime.cgocall+95> 13c6b2b8 00000000 13c24000
33fff6dc: 00000000 00446d58 <runtime.tracebackothers+328> ffffffff ffffffff
33fff6ec: 00000000 13c24000 00000001 00000000
33fff6fc: 0000000d 13c24000 00000000 13c24460
33fff70c: 13c82ac0 00439738 <runtime.lastcontinuehandler+504> 13c249a0 33fffe9c
33fff71c: 00000000 13c249a0 00000000 00000000
33fff72c: 00000000 00000000 13c24460 0044ed00 <runtime.sigtramp+128>
33fff73c: <33fff96c >33fff9bc 13c249a0 0044ed40 <runtime.lastcontinuetramp+0>
33fff74c: 33fff7fc 00000000 0044ed40 <runtime.lastcontinuetramp+0> 33fff82c
33fff75c: 13c24460 33fff73c 76bd5cf0 33fff82c
33fff76c: fe4c53c7 00000000 76bd5b50 00000000
33fff77c: 00000000 7528ca20 00000001 00000000
33fff78c: 00000000 00000006 33fff82c 00000004
33fff79: 00000000 02113cc8 00000000 00000000
33fff7ac: 00000000 02113c08 77bbb569 0000002b
33fff7bc: 00000000
E:/Go/src/runtime/sys_windows_386.s:133 +0x80
goroutine 6 [syscall, locked to thread]:
runtime.cgocall(0x7a46b0, 0x13d6ff80, 0x36)
E:/Go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:128 +0x5f fp=0x13d6ff6c sp=0x13d6ff54 pc=0x40389f, 0x2113c50, 0x2113c88)
_cgo_gotypes.go:138 +0x33 fp=0x13d6ff80 sp=0x13d6ff6c pc=0x796d63, 0x39)
e:/gowork/src/ +0xc1 fp=0x13d6ffe8 sp=0x13d6ff80 pc=0x79a271
E:/Go/src/runtime/asm_386.s:1324 +0x1 fp=0x13d6ffec sp=0x13d6ffe8 pc=0x44e1d1
created by
e:/gowork/src/ +0x212
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