Descriptiongo spec: conversion types starting with "func" must be parenthesized
Also: Be explicit what operator means with respect to conversion types.
The parenthesis requirement is a language change. At the moment,
literal function types in conversions that cannot possibly be
followed by a '(' don't need parentheses. For instance:
func(int)int(x) -> same as (func(int)int)(x)
func()()(x) -> same as (func())(x)
func(int)(x) -> could be func(int)x {...}
Fixes issue 4109.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : diff -r 3efc9b624f3e #Patch Set 3 : diff -r 3efc9b624f3e #
Total comments: 2
Patch Set 4 : diff -r 3efc9b624f3e #MessagesTotal messages: 11