Descriptionundo CL 45770044 / d795425bfa18
Breaks darwin and freebsd.
««« original CL description
runtime: increase page size to 8K
Tcmalloc uses 8K, 32K and 64K pages, and in custom setups 256K pages.
Only Chromium uses 4K pages today (in "slow but small" configuration).
The general tendency is to increase page size, because it reduces
metadata size and DTLB pressure.
This change reduces GC pause by ~10% and slightly improves other metrics.
allocated 8037492 8038689 +0.01%
allocs 105762 105573 -0.18%
cputime 158400000 155800000 -1.64%
gc-pause-one 4412234 4135702 -6.27%
gc-pause-total 2647340 2398707 -9.39%
rss 54923264 54525952 -0.72%
sys-gc 3952624 3928048 -0.62%
sys-heap 46399488 46006272 -0.85%
sys-other 5597504 5290304 -5.49%
sys-stack 393216 393216 +0.00%
sys-total 56342832 55617840 -1.29%
time 158478890 156046916 -1.53%
virtual-mem 256548864 256593920 +0.02%
allocated 2991113 2986259 -0.16%
allocs 62844 62652 -0.31%
cputime 16330000 15860000 -2.88%
gc-pause-one 789108229 725555211 -8.05%
gc-pause-total 3945541 3627776 -8.05%
rss 1143660544 1132253184 -1.00%
sys-gc 65609600 65806208 +0.30%
sys-heap 1032388608 1035599872 +0.31%
sys-other 37501632 22777664 -39.26%
sys-stack 8650752 8781824 +1.52%
sys-total 1144150592 1132965568 -0.98%
time 16364602 15891994 -2.89%
virtual-mem 1327296512 1313746944 -1.02%
R=golang-codereviews, dave, khr, rsc, khr
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : diff -r d795425bfa18 #Patch Set 3 : diff -r d795425bfa18 #
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