13 years, 5 months ago by gri Modified:
13 years, 5 months ago Reviewers:
rsc, r2, nigeltao, r, dsymonds, golang-dev Visibility:
Public. |
Descriptionencoding/binary: support for varint encoding
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : diff -r c8a7809fabcd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 3 : diff -r c8a7809fabcd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 4 : diff -r c8a7809fabcd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 5 : diff -r c8a7809fabcd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 6 : diff -r c8a7809fabcd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #
Total comments: 4
Patch Set 7 : diff -r c8a7809fabcd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 8 : diff -r c8a7809fabcd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 9 : diff -r c8a7809fabcd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #
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Patch Set 10 : diff -r 9a44dedca5dd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #
Total comments: 12
Patch Set 11 : diff -r 9a44dedca5dd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 12 : diff -r 9a44dedca5dd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #
Total comments: 12
Patch Set 13 : diff -r 7ae32f195afd https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #
MessagesTotal messages: 18
Hello golang-dev@googlegroups.com, I'd like you to review this change to https://go.googlecode.com/hg/
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http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/10001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... File src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/10001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:19: // PutUint encodes a uint64 into buf and returns the number of bytes written. I think PutUint is too generic a name. It needs to say varint somehow. Possibly: PutVarint PutUvarint Varint Uvarint ReadVarint ReadUvarint WriteVarint WriteUvarint http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/10001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:23: if x < 128 { 128 is fine but you are really using this as a bit so 0x80 and b&^0x80 seems clearer.
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PTAL. I also changed error handling a bit: - to be compatible with longer encodings (e.g. 128 bit), decoding continues until the continuation bit is not set (or EOF) - overflow is detected accurately http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/10001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... File src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/10001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:19: // PutUint encodes a uint64 into buf and returns the number of bytes written. On 2011/09/28 01:28:21, rsc wrote: > I think PutUint is too generic a name. It needs to say > varint somehow. > > Possibly: > > PutVarint > PutUvarint > > Varint > Uvarint > > ReadVarint > ReadUvarint > WriteVarint > WriteUvarint Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/10001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:23: if x < 128 { On 2011/09/28 01:28:21, rsc wrote: > 128 is fine but you are really using this as a > bit so 0x80 and b&^0x80 seems clearer. Done.
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the U is in the wrong place but it looks truly horrible in the right place, so wrong it will be. i'll look at this tomorrow. -rob
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I'd also add // MaxVarintLen is the maximum length of a varint-encoded int64 or uint64. const MaxVarintLen = 10 http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... File src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:5: // This file implements "varint" encoding of 64bit integers. If you put this file-specific comment between the package clause and the imports, then it's less likely to be mistaken for a package doc comment. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:93: var overflow = os.NewError("overflow: not a 64bit integer") I'd make the string "binary: varint overflows a 64bit integer". The "binary" prefix gives a hint for what package to look for when encountering an error.
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http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... File src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:6: // The encoding is as follows: The encoding is: (it always follows) http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:7: // - unsigned integers are serialized 7bits at a time, starting with the lsb s/7bits/7 bits/ s/lsb/least significant bit (lsb)/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:8: // - the msb in each byte indicates if there is a continuation byte (msb = 1) s/msb/most significant bit (msb)/ s/byte/output byte/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:10: // encoding (see PutVarint) i see nothing about zig-zag in the comments for PutVarint. just tell me the encoding here, please. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:13: // At most 10 bytes are needed for 64bit values. The encoding could be more s/64bit/64-bit/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:14: // dense: A full 64bit value needs an extra byte just to hold bit 63. Instead, ditto http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:19: // format incompatible with a varint encoding for larger numbers (say 128bit). ditt sort of http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:29: // If the buffer is to small, the result is 0. s/to/too/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:44: // undefined and the number of bytes is zero. If overflow occured, s/occured/occurred/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:52: return x, -i // overflow why not 0, -i and say so in the comment? anyway i'd be happier with an error return in all these failures but won't press for it http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:63: // If the buffer is to small, the result is 0. s/to/too/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:75: // the number of bytes returned is negated. same comments as above. (be sure to fix "occured") http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:85: // WriteUvarint writes a uint64 to w. WriteUvarint encodes x and writes the result to w. same below. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:95: // ReadUvarint reads a uint64 from r. ReadUvarint reads an encoded unsigned integer from r and returns it as a uint64. similarly below.
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PTAL. Also: added missing tests. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... File src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:5: // This file implements "varint" encoding of 64bit integers. On 2011/09/28 10:09:03, nigeltao wrote: > If you put this file-specific comment between the package clause and the > imports, then it's less likely to be mistaken for a package doc comment. Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:5: // This file implements "varint" encoding of 64bit integers. On 2011/09/28 10:09:03, nigeltao wrote: > If you put this file-specific comment between the package clause and the > imports, then it's less likely to be mistaken for a package doc comment. Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:6: // The encoding is as follows: On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > The encoding is: > (it always follows) Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:7: // - unsigned integers are serialized 7bits at a time, starting with the lsb On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > s/7bits/7 bits/ > s/lsb/least significant bit (lsb)/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:8: // - the msb in each byte indicates if there is a continuation byte (msb = 1) On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > s/msb/most significant bit (msb)/ > s/byte/output byte/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:8: // - the msb in each byte indicates if there is a continuation byte (msb = 1) On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > s/msb/most significant bit (msb)/ > s/byte/output byte/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:10: // encoding (see PutVarint) On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > i see nothing about zig-zag in the comments for PutVarint. > just tell me the encoding here, please. Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:13: // At most 10 bytes are needed for 64bit values. The encoding could be more On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > s/64bit/64-bit/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:14: // dense: A full 64bit value needs an extra byte just to hold bit 63. Instead, On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > ditto Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:19: // format incompatible with a varint encoding for larger numbers (say 128bit). On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > ditt sort of Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:29: // If the buffer is to small, the result is 0. On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > s/to/too/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:44: // undefined and the number of bytes is zero. If overflow occured, On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > s/occured/occurred/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:52: return x, -i // overflow On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > why not 0, -i > and say so in the comment? > anyway i'd be happier with an error return in all these failures but won't press > for it - changed value from undefined to 0 - made comment clearer - returning an os.Error will make this interface more complicated because it will require an extra (3rd) result since in the non-error case we need the value and the length. Also, e.g. buffer too small may indicate a client to get more bytes and thus is a signal that doesn't necessarily indicate a program/data error. Returning that signal as an os.Error will make that code more complicated. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:63: // If the buffer is to small, the result is 0. On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > s/to/too/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:75: // the number of bytes returned is negated. On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > same comments as above. > (be sure to fix "occured") Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:85: // WriteUvarint writes a uint64 to w. On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > WriteUvarint encodes x and writes the result to w. > same below. Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:93: var overflow = os.NewError("overflow: not a 64bit integer") On 2011/09/28 10:09:03, nigeltao wrote: > I'd make the string "binary: varint overflows a 64bit integer". The "binary" > prefix gives a hint for what package to look for when encountering an error. Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/2010/src/pkg/encoding/binary/varin... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:95: // ReadUvarint reads a uint64 from r. On 2011/09/28 16:10:09, r wrote: > ReadUvarint reads an encoded unsigned integer from r and returns it as a uint64. > similarly below. Done.
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http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... File src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:15: // are written as 2*(^x) + 1; i.e., negative numbers are complemented s/i.e./that is/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:16: // and the sign is encoded in bit 0. and whether to complement is encoded in bit 0. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:20: // be more dense: A full 64-bit value needs an extra byte just to hold bit 63. s/A/a/ (not starting a sentence) http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:33: const MaxVarintLen = 10 this is too generic a name. i'd do const MaxVarintLen64 = 10 const MaxVarintLen32 = 5 (or whatever) and so on for 16 and 8. why not? http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:50: // number of bytes read (> 0). If an error occured, the value is 0 s/occured/occurred/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:51: // and the number of bytes n is <= 0 with the following meaning: s/ the following/
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PTAL http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... File src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:15: // are written as 2*(^x) + 1; i.e., negative numbers are complemented On 2011/09/28 18:33:49, r wrote: > s/i.e./that is/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:16: // and the sign is encoded in bit 0. On 2011/09/28 18:33:49, r wrote: > and whether to complement is encoded in bit 0. Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:20: // be more dense: A full 64-bit value needs an extra byte just to hold bit 63. On 2011/09/28 18:33:49, r wrote: > s/A/a/ (not starting a sentence) Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:33: const MaxVarintLen = 10 On 2011/09/28 18:33:49, r wrote: > this is too generic a name. i'd do > const MaxVarintLen64 = 10 > const MaxVarintLen32 = 5 (or whatever) > and so on for 16 and 8. why not? Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:50: // number of bytes read (> 0). If an error occured, the value is 0 On 2011/09/28 18:33:49, r wrote: > s/occured/occurred/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/14007/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:51: // and the number of bytes n is <= 0 with the following meaning: On 2011/09/28 18:33:49, r wrote: > s/ the following/ Done.
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LGTM anyone else?
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LGTM I only looked at the API.
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LGTM http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... File src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:7: // This file implements "varint" encoding of 64bit integers. s/64bit/64-bit/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:10: // least significant bit (lsb) I would have said s/bit/7 bits/. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:22: // know there can't be more then 64 bits. This is a trivial improvement and s/then/than/ http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:52: for x >= 0x80 { there are bit tricks you could do to avoid needing this loop, but this works. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:72: if i > 9 || i == 9 && b > 1 { seems like this should use MaxVarintLen64 http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:130: if i > 9 || i == 9 && b > 1 { use MaxVarintLen64?
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LGTM Also, the test only checks round trips, but it would be good to have a few tests for the actual bytes. You can probably steal some good sample data from Nigel's code: http://code.google.com/p/snappy-go/source/browse/varint/varint_test.go http://code.google.com/p/snappy-go/source/browse/varint/zigzag/zigzag_test.go
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http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... File src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:7: // This file implements "varint" encoding of 64bit integers. On 2011/09/29 00:32:14, dsymonds wrote: > s/64bit/64-bit/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:10: // least significant bit (lsb) On 2011/09/29 00:32:14, dsymonds wrote: > I would have said s/bit/7 bits/. changed to: starting with the least significant bits http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:22: // know there can't be more then 64 bits. This is a trivial improvement and On 2011/09/29 00:32:14, dsymonds wrote: > s/then/than/ Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:52: for x >= 0x80 { On 2011/09/29 00:32:14, dsymonds wrote: > there are bit tricks you could do to avoid needing this loop, but this works. Not sure those would be faster. But I tweaked the code a bit and there are now only half the number of iterations needed :-) http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:72: if i > 9 || i == 9 && b > 1 { On 2011/09/29 00:32:14, dsymonds wrote: > seems like this should use MaxVarintLen64 yes, but then in b > 1 the 1 should also be computed in terms of original constants. I played with this: const ( _S = 7 // 7 bits per byte _L = 1<<_S _M = _L-1 ) and used _S instead of 7, _L instead of 0x80, and _M instead of 0x7f. The Max constants can all be computed as well from _S. The tests can be expressed in terms of these constants. In fact, the entire encoding becomes changeable, one could e.g. set _S to 5 and it still works. But the code becomes not more readable. I think either one goes all the way or we leave these constants. Opting for the current approach. There's no point in changing the encoding. http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048/diff/22001/src/pkg/encoding/binary/vari... src/pkg/encoding/binary/varint.go:130: if i > 9 || i == 9 && b > 1 { On 2011/09/29 00:32:14, dsymonds wrote: > use MaxVarintLen64? see above.
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*** Submitted as http://code.google.com/p/go/source/detail?r=39de8f482ea8 *** encoding/binary: support for varint encoding R=rsc, r, nigeltao, r, dsymonds CC=golang-dev http://codereview.appspot.com/5146048
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I don't remember seeing this detail of the API when I looked. Maybe I just missed it: // PutUvarint encodes a uint64 into buf and returns the number of bytes written. // If the buffer is too small, the result is the negated number of bytes required // (that is, -PutUvarint(nil, x) is the number of bytes required to encode x). The negative size return on error seems overly fussy to me; it belongs in a C program, not a Go program. I would just require that the buffer is large enough, and let the slice writes panic if not. The max is defined. Compare with utf8.EncodeRune. Russ
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If the max is not enough, a separate func VarintSize(x int64) int and UvarintSize(x uint64) int would be fine too and would still avoid needing to overload the return value. Russ
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There was always an error return (0) if the buffer was too small, in consistency with the read routines. In a second step I added the negative length because the read routines also return the negative length in error cases (overflow). It doesn't cost when not used. I was contemplating just crashing, but the implementation made the error return free. Anyway, simplified, as consistency w/ EncodeRune is compelling. See CL 5163041. - gri On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 6:59 AM, Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org> wrote: > If the max is not enough, a separate func VarintSize(x int64) int > and UvarintSize(x uint64) int would be fine too and > would still avoid needing to overload the return value. > > Russ >
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