gofmt: make sure there is a newline after
a /*-style comment at the end of a file
Some minor cleanups/typo fixes along the way.
Fixes an issue where that newline was removed
after applying gofmt.
On Mar 12, 2010, at 12:00 PM, gri@golang.org wrote:
> Reviewers: r,
> Message:
> Hello r (cc: golang-dev@googlegroups.com),
> I'd like you to review this change.
> Description:
> gofmt: make sure there is a newline after
> a /*-style comment at the end of a file
> Some minor cleanups/typo fixes along the way.
> Fixes an issue where that newline was removed
> after applying gofmt.
> Please review this at http://codereview.appspot.com/476043/show
> Affected files:
> M src/pkg/go/printer/printer.go
> M src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/comments.golden
> M src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/comments.input
> M src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/linebreaks.golden
> M src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/linebreaks.input
Issue 476043: code review 476043: gofmt: make sure there is a newline after
Created 15 years ago by gri
Modified 15 years ago
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