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Issue 4532101: code review 4532101: undo CL 4557058 / b4c2ffae7034 (Closed)

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13 years, 10 months ago by rsc
13 years, 10 months ago
golang-dev, bradfitz


undo CL 4557058 / b4c2ffae7034 Using the getaddrinfo order is only okay if we are smart enough to try multiple addresses in Dial. Since the code does not do that, we must make the right first choice, regardless of what getaddrinfo does, and more often that not that means using the IPv4 address, even on IPv6 systems. With the CL applied, gotest fails in package net on OS X. helix.cam=; gotest ... --- FAIL: net.TestDialGoogleIPv4 (1.05 seconds) -- -- -- www.google.com:80 -- Dial("tcp", "", "www.google.com:80") = _, dial tcp [2001:4860:800f::69]:80: address family not supported by protocol family -- -- -- www.google.com:http -- Dial("tcp", "", "www.google.com:http") = _, dial tcp [2001:4860:800f::69]:80: address family not supported by protocol family -- -- -- [::ffff:]:80 -- -- [::ffff:4a7d:e2b3]:80 -- -- [0:0:0:0:0000:ffff:]:80 -- -- [0:0:0:0:000000:ffff:]:80 -- -- [0:0:0:0:0:ffff::]:80 -- FAIL gotest: "./6.out" failed: exit status 1 ««« original CL description net: name-based destination address selection getaddrinfo() orders the addresses according to RFC 3484. This means when IPv6 is working on a host we get results like: []string = {"2001:4810::110", ""} and when it's not working we get: []string = {"", "2001:4810::110"} thus can drop firstFavoriteAddr. This also means /etc/gai.conf works on relevant systems. R=rsc, mikioh.mikioh CC=golang-dev http://codereview.appspot.com/4557058 Committer: Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org> »»»

Patch Set 1 #

Patch Set 2 : diff -r 0d10a13d15c0 https://go.googlecode.com/hg #

Patch Set 3 : diff -r e363f413166f https://go.googlecode.com/hg #

Unified diffs Side-by-side diffs Delta from patch set Stats (+19 lines, -2 lines) Patch
M src/pkg/net/iprawsock.go View 1 1 chunk +1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
M src/pkg/net/ipsock.go View 1 2 chunks +18 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download


Total messages: 3
Hello golang-dev (cc: golang-dev@googlegroups.com), I'd like you to review this change to https://go.googlecode.com/hg
13 years, 10 months ago (2011-05-31 19:45:44 UTC) #1
13 years, 10 months ago (2011-06-01 19:43:34 UTC) #2
13 years, 10 months ago (2011-06-01 19:50:01 UTC) #3
*** Submitted as http://code.google.com/p/go/source/detail?r=2e0aa4ab6d9f ***

undo CL 4557058 / b4c2ffae7034

Using the getaddrinfo order is only okay if we
are smart enough to try multiple addresses in Dial.
Since the code does not do that, we must make
the right first choice, regardless of what getaddrinfo
does, and more often that not that means using the
IPv4 address, even on IPv6 systems.  With the CL
applied, gotest fails in package net on OS X.

helix.cam=; gotest
--- FAIL: net.TestDialGoogleIPv4 (1.05 seconds)
        -- --
        -- www.google.com:80 --
        Dial("tcp", "", "www.google.com:80") = _, dial tcp
[2001:4860:800f::69]:80: address family not supported by protocol family
        -- --
        -- www.google.com:http --
        Dial("tcp", "", "www.google.com:http") = _, dial tcp
[2001:4860:800f::69]:80: address family not supported by protocol family
        -- --
        -- [::ffff:]:80 --
        -- [::ffff:4a7d:e2b3]:80 --
        -- [0:0:0:0:0000:ffff:]:80 --
        -- [0:0:0:0:000000:ffff:]:80 --
        -- [0:0:0:0:0:ffff::]:80 --
gotest: "./6.out" failed: exit status 1

««« original CL description
net: name-based destination address selection

getaddrinfo() orders the addresses according to RFC 3484.

This means when IPv6 is working on a host we get results like:
    []string = {"2001:4810::110", ""}

and when it's not working we get:
    []string = {"", "2001:4810::110"}

thus can drop firstFavoriteAddr.

This also means /etc/gai.conf works on relevant systems.

R=rsc, mikioh.mikioh

Committer: Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org>

R=golang-dev, bradfitz
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