13 years, 12 months ago by Sameer (personal) Modified:
13 years, 10 months ago Reviewers:
rsc, aclements, amdragon_mit.edu, golang-dev Visibility:
Public. |
Descriptionmisc/emacs: gofmt: don't clobber the current buffer on failure
Change M-x gofmt to display errors in a new buffer instead of
clobbering the current buffer.
Add gofmt-before-save, which runs gofmt when in go-mode. This
can be used with before-save-hook. Add to your .emacs:
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save)
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : diff -r 2a70fd529a01 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 3 : diff -r ae2851fd0361 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 4 : diff -r ae2851fd0361 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 5 : diff -r ae2851fd0361 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #
Total comments: 1
Patch Set 6 : diff -r ae2851fd0361 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 7 : diff -r ae2851fd0361 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #
Total comments: 23
Patch Set 8 : diff -r ae2851fd0361 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 9 : diff -r ae2851fd0361 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 10 : diff -r 3a85cba563d6 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 11 : diff -r 3a85cba563d6 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 12 : diff -r 3a85cba563d6 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 13 : diff -r 3a85cba563d6 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 14 : diff -r 3a85cba563d6 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #Patch Set 15 : diff -r 31eae9ad9d23 http://go.googlecode.com/hg/ #MessagesTotal messages: 19
Hello rsc, aclements (cc: golang-dev@googlegroups.com), I'd like you to review this change to http://go.googlecode.com/hg/
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Fine with me. I'd like some emacs user to sign off on this though.
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Sure, I'm open to any suggested reviewers. I just grabbed you two from the filelog. My only thought about this CL is that it would be simpler if we changed the existing emacs gofmt function to behave like the new one I added. Then we could avoid having two functions, since gofmt would be a valid before-save hook itself. On Mar 18, 2011 5:29 PM, "Russ Cox" <rsc@golang.org> wrote:
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http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/8003/misc/emacs/go-mode.el File misc/emacs/go-mode.el (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/8003/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode540 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:540: (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) This when guard is the only bit that's specific to the hook behavior (since before-save-hook runs in all modes, and we only want to run the rest of this on Go files). So we could just change all of this to: (defun gofmt ...the code below...) (defun gofmt-before-save (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) gofmt)) Provided we're willing to change how M-x gofmt works for people now. If we want to retain the current behavior of M-x gofmt, another option is to do: (defun gofmt-noclobber ...the code below...) (defun gofmt-before-save (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) gofmt-noclobber))
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On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 20:42, Sameer Ajmani <ajmani@gmail.com> wrote: > Sure, I'm open to any suggested reviewers. I just grabbed you two from the > filelog. It's a good choice. I'm just inviting any other emacs users to speak up if they want to review it, since Austin is no doubt busy with other things. Russ
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I've simplified this CL per my earlier comments on it: gofmt now replaces the current buffer only on success; on failure, it displays the errors in a new buffer containing the errors. gofmt-before-save is a simple wrapper that calls gofmt when in go-mode, appropriate for use as a before-save-hook. On 2011/03/19 03:07:20, rsc wrote: > On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 20:42, Sameer Ajmani <mailto:ajmani@gmail.com> wrote: > > Sure, I'm open to any suggested reviewers. I just grabbed you two from the > > filelog. > > It's a good choice. I'm just inviting any other emacs > users to speak up if they want to review it, since > Austin is no doubt busy with other things. > > Russ
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On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org> wrote: > On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 20:42, Sameer Ajmani <ajmani@gmail.com> wrote: >> Sure, I'm open to any suggested reviewers. I just grabbed you two from the >> filelog. > > It's a good choice. I'm just inviting any other emacs > users to speak up if they want to review it, since > Austin is no doubt busy with other things. Of course, but I can always spare a little time for Go!
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http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el File misc/emacs/go-mode.el (left): http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#oldcode502 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:502: The (provide 'go-mode) should be the last line in the file both for stylistic reasons and in case there's an eval-after-load registered for go-mode. (Yes, this was a problem with the original gofmt function, but this patch makes it more so.) http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el File misc/emacs/go-mode.el (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode503 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:503: (defun get-empty-buffer (name) This should be go-mode-get-empty-buffer. Or possibly gofmt-get-empty-buffer. Or removed entirely (see comment below). http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode508 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:508: (set-buffer buf) It would be simpler and more idiomatic to use with-current-buffer instead of save-current-buffer plus set-buffer. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode523 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:523: (old-point (point)) I believe you no longer have to save mark and point, since shell-command-on-region is going to a different buffer instead of replacing the region. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode525 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:525: (errbuf (get-empty-buffer "Gofmt Errors"))) These buffer names should be enclosed in *'s, since they're non-file buffers. In fact, the first should probably be " *Gofmt Output*" (with a space at the beginning), since it's an ephemeral buffer. Better yet, use generate-new-buffer or with-temp-buffer for the output buffer, since you kill the output buffer unconditionally and this will save you the trouble of wiping it. Then, since you'd only be wiping the error buffer, you could remove get-empty-buffer and reduce this to (let (... (errbuf (get-buffer-create "*Gofmt Errors*"))) (with-current-buffer errbuf (erase-buffer)) ...) http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode529 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:529: (if (= 0 (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "gofmt" Use call-process-region instead, since shell-command-on-region is just interactive baggage on top of that. Also, call-process-region definitely won't muck with your point and mark, so you won't have to save and restore them. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode546 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:546: (kill-buffer outbuf))) The last two lines should be in the unwind of an unwind-protect around the rest of the let body. (Or, use with-temp-buffer for the output buffer, which will take care of this for you). http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode551 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:551: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save)" Nit: Use #'gofmt-before-save. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode554 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:554: (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) (gofmt))) Just a thought... Since this is now mostly a rewrite of gofmt, would it be better as two separate patches? Certainly the commit message needs updating, at least.
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http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el File misc/emacs/go-mode.el (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode503 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:503: (defun get-empty-buffer (name) On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > This should be go-mode-get-empty-buffer. Or possibly gofmt-get-empty-buffer. > Or removed entirely (see comment below). Removed. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode508 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:508: (set-buffer buf) On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > It would be simpler and more idiomatic to use with-current-buffer instead of > save-current-buffer plus set-buffer. Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode523 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:523: (old-point (point)) On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > I believe you no longer have to save mark and point, since > shell-command-on-region is going to a different buffer instead of replacing the > region. Yes, but I still need to restore the point and mark when I replace the current buffer contents (when gofmt succeeds). http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode525 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:525: (errbuf (get-empty-buffer "Gofmt Errors"))) On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > These buffer names should be enclosed in *'s, since they're non-file buffers. > In fact, the first should probably be " *Gofmt Output*" (with a space at the > beginning), since it's an ephemeral buffer. Better yet, use generate-new-buffer > or with-temp-buffer for the output buffer, since you kill the output buffer > unconditionally and this will save you the trouble of wiping it. Then, since > you'd only be wiping the error buffer, you could remove get-empty-buffer and > reduce this to > (let (... (errbuf (get-buffer-create "*Gofmt Errors*"))) > (with-current-buffer errbuf (erase-buffer)) > ...) Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode529 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:529: (if (= 0 (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "gofmt" On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > Use call-process-region instead, since shell-command-on-region is just > interactive baggage on top of that. Also, call-process-region definitely won't > muck with your point and mark, so you won't have to save and restore them. I'm keeping shell-command-on-region, as call-process-region can only send stderr to a file, and the code in shell-command-on-region to set up a temporary file and read it back into a buffer is non-trivial. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode546 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:546: (kill-buffer outbuf))) On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > The last two lines should be in the unwind of an unwind-protect around the rest > of the let body. (Or, use with-temp-buffer for the output buffer, which will > take care of this for you). Done. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode551 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:551: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save)" On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > Nit: Use #'gofmt-before-save. Done. What's the hash for? http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode554 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:554: (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) (gofmt))) On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > Just a thought... Since this is now mostly a rewrite of gofmt, would it be > better as two separate patches? Certainly the commit message needs updating, at > least. gofmt-before-save is trivial enough that I'd like to keep this as one patch.
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LGTM (modulo updating the commit message). http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el File misc/emacs/go-mode.el (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode523 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:523: (old-point (point)) On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > > I believe you no longer have to save mark and point, since > > shell-command-on-region is going to a different buffer instead of replacing > the > > region. > > Yes, but I still need to restore the point and mark when I replace the current > buffer contents (when gofmt succeeds). True. Good to see you updated the comment, though. It may be worth considering insert-file-contents to update the buffer (with the replace argument set to t). That tries really hard to keep point on the same text it started on, even if things move around it, but has the obvious disadvantage that the gofmt output has to go to a temporary file instead of just a buffer. Just something to think about. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode529 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:529: (if (= 0 (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "gofmt" On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > > Use call-process-region instead, since shell-command-on-region is just > > interactive baggage on top of that. Also, call-process-region definitely > won't > > muck with your point and mark, so you won't have to save and restore them. > > I'm keeping shell-command-on-region, as call-process-region can only send stderr > to a file, and the code in shell-command-on-region to set up a temporary file > and read it back into a buffer is non-trivial. 'Doh. Yes, you're right. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode551 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:551: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save)" On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > > Nit: Use #'gofmt-before-save. > > Done. What's the hash for? It marks it as a function symbol, as opposed to a generic symbol. It's a reader macro for (function gofmt-before-save), which is semantically equivalent to (quote gofmt-before-save), but helps the bytecode generator (and I think produces better warnings when compiled). Probably none of this matters for something in .emacs, but it's still good practice. http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode554 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:554: (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) (gofmt))) On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > > Just a thought... Since this is now mostly a rewrite of gofmt, would it be > > better as two separate patches? Certainly the commit message needs updating, > at > > least. > > gofmt-before-save is trivial enough that I'd like to keep this as one patch. Fair enough. You should still update the commit message.
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http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el File misc/emacs/go-mode.el (right): http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode523 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:523: (old-point (point)) On 2011/03/22 01:12:49, aclements wrote: > On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > > > I believe you no longer have to save mark and point, since > > > shell-command-on-region is going to a different buffer instead of replacing > > the > > > region. > > > > Yes, but I still need to restore the point and mark when I replace the current > > buffer contents (when gofmt succeeds). > > True. Good to see you updated the comment, though. > > It may be worth considering insert-file-contents to update the buffer (with the > replace argument set to t). That tries really hard to keep point on the same > text it started on, even if things move around it, but has the obvious > disadvantage that the gofmt output has to go to a temporary file instead of just > a buffer. Just something to think about. I think what we have now is simpler, but this is useful to know. (This is my first elisp outside my own .emacs, so I'm learning a I go. Thanks for the pointers.) http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode554 misc/emacs/go-mode.el:554: (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) (gofmt))) On 2011/03/22 01:12:49, aclements wrote: > On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > > > Just a thought... Since this is now mostly a rewrite of gofmt, would it be > > > better as two separate patches? Certainly the commit message needs > updating, > > at > > > least. > > > > gofmt-before-save is trivial enough that I'd like to keep this as one patch. > > Fair enough. You should still update the commit message. Whoops, forgot. Updated.
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Please ignore the bazillion patch sets. Trying unsuccessfully to get hg submit to work. On 2011/03/22 01:23:54, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el > File misc/emacs/go-mode.el (right): > > http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode523 > misc/emacs/go-mode.el:523: (old-point (point)) > On 2011/03/22 01:12:49, aclements wrote: > > On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > > > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > > > > I believe you no longer have to save mark and point, since > > > > shell-command-on-region is going to a different buffer instead of > replacing > > > the > > > > region. > > > > > > Yes, but I still need to restore the point and mark when I replace the > current > > > buffer contents (when gofmt succeeds). > > > > True. Good to see you updated the comment, though. > > > > It may be worth considering insert-file-contents to update the buffer (with > the > > replace argument set to t). That tries really hard to keep point on the same > > text it started on, even if things move around it, but has the obvious > > disadvantage that the gofmt output has to go to a temporary file instead of > just > > a buffer. Just something to think about. > > I think what we have now is simpler, but this is useful to know. > > (This is my first elisp outside my own .emacs, so I'm learning a I go. Thanks > for the pointers.) > > http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode554 > misc/emacs/go-mode.el:554: (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) (gofmt))) > On 2011/03/22 01:12:49, aclements wrote: > > On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > > > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: > > > > Just a thought... Since this is now mostly a rewrite of gofmt, would it > be > > > > better as two separate patches? Certainly the commit message needs > > updating, > > > at > > > > least. > > > > > > gofmt-before-save is trivial enough that I'd like to keep this as one patch. > > > > Fair enough. You should still update the commit message. > > Whoops, forgot. Updated.
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Ah, I must not be a committer. Russ, will you commit this CL? I added my CONTRIBUTORS entry to this CL. S On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 9:33 PM, <ajmani@gmail.com> wrote: > Please ignore the bazillion patch sets. Trying unsuccessfully to get hg > submit to work. > > > On 2011/03/22 01:23:54, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > >> http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el >> File misc/emacs/go-mode.el (right): >> > > > > http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode523 > >> misc/emacs/go-mode.el:523: (old-point (point)) >> On 2011/03/22 01:12:49, aclements wrote: >> > On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: >> > > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: >> > > > I believe you no longer have to save mark and point, since >> > > > shell-command-on-region is going to a different buffer instead >> > of > >> replacing >> > > the >> > > > region. >> > > >> > > Yes, but I still need to restore the point and mark when I replace >> > the > >> current >> > > buffer contents (when gofmt succeeds). >> > >> > True. Good to see you updated the comment, though. >> > >> > It may be worth considering insert-file-contents to update the >> > buffer (with > >> the >> > replace argument set to t). That tries really hard to keep point on >> > the same > >> > text it started on, even if things move around it, but has the >> > obvious > >> > disadvantage that the gofmt output has to go to a temporary file >> > instead of > >> just >> > a buffer. Just something to think about. >> > > I think what we have now is simpler, but this is useful to know. >> > > (This is my first elisp outside my own .emacs, so I'm learning a I go. >> > Thanks > >> for the pointers.) >> > > > > http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/diff/3/misc/emacs/go-mode.el#newcode554 > >> misc/emacs/go-mode.el:554: (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) (gofmt))) >> On 2011/03/22 01:12:49, aclements wrote: >> > On 2011/03/22 00:44:57, Sameer Ajmani wrote: >> > > On 2011/03/21 08:42:37, aclements wrote: >> > > > Just a thought... Since this is now mostly a rewrite of gofmt, >> > would it > >> be >> > > > better as two separate patches? Certainly the commit message >> > needs > >> > updating, >> > > at >> > > > least. >> > > >> > > gofmt-before-save is trivial enough that I'd like to keep this as >> > one patch. > >> > >> > Fair enough. You should still update the commit message. >> > > Whoops, forgot. Updated. >> > > > > http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059/ > -- Sameer http://www.google.com/profiles/ajmani
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yes, i will submit it.
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please hg revert CONTRIBUTORS; hg mail 4276059
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Hello rsc, aclements, amdragon@mit.edu (cc: golang-dev@googlegroups.com), Please take another look.
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On 2011/03/23 23:42:45, Sameer Ajmani wrote: > Hello rsc, aclements, mailto:amdragon@mit.edu (cc: mailto:golang-dev@googlegroups.com), > > Please take another look. LGTM
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Done. On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org> wrote: > please hg revert CONTRIBUTORS; hg mail 4276059 > -- Sameer http://www.google.com/profiles/ajmani
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*** Submitted as http://code.google.com/p/go/source/detail?r=31d7feb9281b *** misc/emacs: gofmt: don't clobber the current buffer on failure Change M-x gofmt to display errors in a new buffer instead of clobbering the current buffer. Add gofmt-before-save, which runs gofmt when in go-mode. This can be used with before-save-hook. Add to your .emacs: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save) R=rsc, aclements, amdragon CC=golang-dev http://codereview.appspot.com/4276059 Committer: Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org>
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