Descriptioncrypto/openpgp: add error and armor
error is needed by all the OpenPGP packages as they return a shared
family of error types.
armor implements OpenPGP armoring. It's very like PEM except:
a) it includes a CRC24 checksum
b) PEM values are small (a few KB) and so encoding/pem assumes that
they fit in memory. Armored data can be very large and so this
package presents a streaming interface.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : code review 3786043: crypto/openpgp: add error and armor #
Total comments: 17
Patch Set 3 : code review 3786043: crypto/openpgp: add error and armor #Patch Set 4 : code review 3786043: crypto/openpgp: add error and armor #
MessagesTotal messages: 8