there is some more work in softfloat.c to support skipping cases where we generated multiple ...
15 years, 3 months ago
(2009-12-14 23:59:19 UTC)
there is some more work in softfloat.c to support skipping cases where we
generated multiple arm instructions for a single float instruction (MOVF).
this now works on arm:
fmt.Printf("Hello World\n");
File src/cmd/5l/l.h (right):
src/cmd/5l/l.h:454: void softfloat(void);
On 2009/12/11 02:26:35, rsc wrote:
> s/ /\t/
> sorry
File src/pkg/runtime/arm/asm.s (right):
src/pkg/runtime/arm/asm.s:78: TEXT _dep_dummy(SB),7,$0
On 2009/12/11 02:26:35, rsc wrote:
> you never refer to _dep_dummy, right?
it actually is referenced on line 61
> deadcode would throw this away and not
> use the references to hold anything up.
> i think i know what's wrong - it's not that the loader
> is throwing away the object in deadcode but that
> it doesn't realize it needs to pull it in at all.
> the bottom of ld/lib.c:/^libinit does
> lookup(INITENTRY, 0)->type = SXREF;
> and i think that 5l needs to do a similar
> thing for each of these names, so that when
> pulling in functions from the archive, it realizes
> that it needs them.
i'll try this, this sounds a lot like what is happening. ie. when it's
referenced here it gets SXREF set but not when just marked.
src/pkg/runtime/arm/asm.s:84: BL runtime·softfloat(SB)
On 2009/12/11 02:26:35, rsc wrote:
> might as well call this _float like the others.
called it _sfloat and _sfloat2
src/pkg/runtime/arm/asm.s:244: TEXT runtime·softfloat(SB), 7, $4
On 2009/12/11 02:26:35, rsc wrote:
> i suggest moving this into vlop.s so that all the
> math simulation is in the same place.
> on a related note, i think you need to BL save<>(SB) and B out like _divu and
> _modu do, to save the registers across the call.
> (the code generator did not expect the fp instruction to
> trash all the registers.)
File src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c (right):
src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c:14: }
On 2009/12/11 02:26:35, rsc wrote:
> odd spacing.
> looks like maybe spaces instead of a tab.
cool. File src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c (right): src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c:11: uint32 i = *pc; typical local C convention ...
15 years, 3 months ago
(2009-12-15 00:05:13 UTC)
File src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c (right):
src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c:11: uint32 i = *pc;
typical local C convention is to keep
declaration separate from initialization,
start if and while bodies on their own lines,
and drop the space after the words if, for, switch.
src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c:37: uint32*
before this line, insert
#pragma textflag 7
so that there is no possibility of _sfloat2
causing a stack split. (if the stack split,
only r0 would be copied, and then &r0
would not be what you want it to mean.)
ptal File src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c (right): src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c:11: uint32 i = *pc; On 2009/12/15 00:05:13, rsc ...
15 years, 3 months ago
(2009-12-15 00:26:06 UTC)
File src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c (right):
src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c:11: uint32 i = *pc;
On 2009/12/15 00:05:13, rsc wrote:
> typical local C convention is to keep
> declaration separate from initialization,
> start if and while bodies on their own lines,
> and drop the space after the words if, for, switch.
done. my bad for the bother.
src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c:37: uint32*
On 2009/12/15 00:05:13, rsc wrote:
> before this line, insert
> #pragma textflag 7
> so that there is no possibility of _sfloat2
> causing a stack split. (if the stack split,
> only r0 would be copied, and then &r0
> would not be what you want it to mean.)
done. good catch.
15 years, 3 months ago
(2009-12-16 03:59:30 UTC)
On 2009/12/15 00:26:06, kaib wrote:
> ptal
> File src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c (right):
> src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c:11: uint32 i = *pc;
> On 2009/12/15 00:05:13, rsc wrote:
> > typical local C convention is to keep
> > declaration separate from initialization,
> > start if and while bodies on their own lines,
> > and drop the space after the words if, for, switch.
> >
> done. my bad for the bother.
> src/pkg/runtime/arm/softfloat.c:37: uint32*
> On 2009/12/15 00:05:13, rsc wrote:
> > before this line, insert
> >
> > #pragma textflag 7
> >
> > so that there is no possibility of _sfloat2
> > causing a stack split. (if the stack split,
> > only r0 would be copied, and then &r0
> > would not be what you want it to mean.)
> >
> done. good catch.
On 2009/12/16 04:32:14, rsc wrote: > Looks like 5l/softfloat.c is missing? done. my hg-fu needs ...
15 years, 3 months ago
(2009-12-16 05:26:01 UTC)
On 2009/12/16 04:32:14, rsc wrote:
> Looks like 5l/softfloat.c is missing?
done. my hg-fu needs upgrading ..
> src/cmd/5l/obj.c:267: // TODO(kaib): this doesn't work, the prog can't be
> in runtime
> did you fix this with the SXREF?
no, added todo on my 5g list
*** Submitted as *** first stub for softfloats, intercepts float instructions and skips them ...
15 years, 2 months ago
(2009-12-18 00:08:43 UTC)
Issue 174052: code review 174052: first stub for softfloats, intercepts float instructio...
Created 15 years, 3 months ago by kaib
Modified 15 years, 2 months ago
Base URL:
Comments: 15