sync: release Pool memory during second and later GCs
Pool memory was only being released during the first GC after the first Put.
Put assumes that p.local != nil means p is on the allPools list.
poolCleanup (called during each GC) removed each pool from allPools
but did not clear p.local, so each pool was cleared by exactly one GC
and then never cleared again.
This bug was introduced late in the Go 1.3 release cycle.
Fixes issue 8979.
Hello (cc:,, I'd like you to review this change to
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 09:22:15 UTC)
Filed the bug, and referenced it from cl description: Fixes issue 8979. PTAL File ...
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 13:05:49 UTC)
#3 File src/sync/pool_test.go (right): src/sync/pool_test.go:99: func TestPoolRelease(t *testing.T) { this is likely to be ...
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 13:11:18 UTC)
Can you please explain what memory is being retained during GC incorrectly? The bug says ...
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 13:50:25 UTC)
Can you please explain what memory is being retained during GC incorrectly?
The bug says the pool retains "all memory ever put into it" but it sure looks
like lines 195-202 are clearing all the possible places that the 'memory put
into' the Pool could be kept. Where are the pointers keeping that memory alive?
I can believe that the Pool is retaining some of its own bookkeeping structures,
but that's different.
On 2014/10/22 13:50:25, rsc wrote: > Can you please explain what memory is being retained ...
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 14:21:34 UTC)
On 2014/10/22 13:50:25, rsc wrote:
> Can you please explain what memory is being retained during GC incorrectly?
> The bug says the pool retains "all memory ever put into it" but it sure looks
> like lines 195-202 are clearing all the possible places that the 'memory put
> into' the Pool could be kept. Where are the pointers keeping that memory
> I can believe that the Pool is retaining some of its own bookkeeping
> but that's different.
The problem is that if we don't do "p.localSize = 0" the pool is not registered
in allPools again. So during the first GC we indeed clear everything. But then
the pool is no registered in allPools again, and all user objects get retained
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:21 AM, <> wrote: > The problem is that ...
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 14:51:11 UTC)
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:21 AM, <> wrote:
> The problem is that if we don't do "p.localSize = 0" the pool is not
> registered in allPools again. So during the first GC we indeed clear
> everything. But then the pool is no registered in allPools again, and
> all user objects get retained infinitely.
Great. That's the kind of thing the CL description should say. What it says
is both untrue and incomplete. The CL description needs to make sense to
people not intimately familiar with the code. Something like this would be
better here:
sync: release Pool memory during second and later GCs
Pool memory was only being released during the first GC after the first
Put assumes that p.local != nil means p is on the allPools list.
poolCleanup (called during each GC) removed each pool from allPools
but did not clear p.local, so each pool was cleared by exactly one GC
and then never cleared again.
This bug was introduced late in the Go 1.3 release cycle.
Fixes issue XXX.
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 14:57:10 UTC)
File src/sync/pool_test.go (right):
src/sync/pool_test.go:99: func TestPoolRelease(t *testing.T) {
On 2014/10/22 14:42:01, rsc wrote:
> Why are there two tests here? It looks like the second test is the first test
> run three times. If that's true, just put a loop into the first test instead
> creating a second one.
The first test takes all elements out of the pool, and then checks that the pool
does not retain pointers to elements that were taken out.
The second test does not take all elements out of the pool, and checks that the
pool release elements eventually.
I agree that they are close, but not exactly the same.
One can argue that the second test is strictly stronger than the first one. I
don't know whether it is true for all possible implementations.
On 2014/10/22 14:51:11, rsc wrote: > On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:21 AM, <> ...
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 14:58:50 UTC)
On 2014/10/22 14:51:11, rsc wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:21 AM, <> wrote:
> > The problem is that if we don't do "p.localSize = 0" the pool is not
> > registered in allPools again. So during the first GC we indeed clear
> > everything. But then the pool is no registered in allPools again, and
> > all user objects get retained infinitely.
> >
> Great. That's the kind of thing the CL description should say. What it says
> is both untrue and incomplete. The CL description needs to make sense to
> people not intimately familiar with the code. Something like this would be
> better here:
> sync: release Pool memory during second and later GCs
> Pool memory was only being released during the first GC after the first
> Put.
> Put assumes that p.local != nil means p is on the allPools list.
> poolCleanup (called during each GC) removed each pool from allPools
> but did not clear p.local, so each pool was cleared by exactly one GC
> and then never cleared again.
> This bug was introduced late in the Go 1.3 release cycle.
> Fixes issue XXX.
> Thanks.
> Russ
Done File src/sync/pool_test.go (right): src/sync/pool_test.go:99: func TestPoolRelease(t *testing.T) { Can you pull the body ...
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 15:14:32 UTC)
File src/sync/pool_test.go (right):
src/sync/pool_test.go:99: func TestPoolRelease(t *testing.T) {
Can you pull the body into a helper
func testPool(t *testing.T, p *Pool, drain bool, context string) {
var fin uint32
const N = 100
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
v := new(string)
runtime.SetFinalizer(v, func(vv *string) {
atomic.AddUint32(&fin, 1)
if drain {
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
var fin1 uint32
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(i*100+10) * time.Millisecond)
// 1 pointer can remain on stack or elsewhere
if fin1 = atomic.LoadUint32(&fin); fin1 >= N-1 {
t.Fatalf("%s: only %v out of %v resources are finalized", context, fin1, N)
and then make the two tests call the helper? That will make the difference much
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 16:05:26 UTC)
On 2014/10/22 15:14:32, rsc wrote:
> File src/sync/pool_test.go (right):
> src/sync/pool_test.go:99: func TestPoolRelease(t *testing.T) {
> Can you pull the body into a helper
> func testPool(t *testing.T, p *Pool, drain bool, context string) {
> var fin uint32
> const N = 100
> for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
> v := new(string)
> runtime.SetFinalizer(v, func(vv *string) {
> atomic.AddUint32(&fin, 1)
> })
> p.Put(v)
> }
> if drain {
> for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
> p.Get()
> }
> }
> var fin1 uint32
> for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
> runtime.GC()
> time.Sleep(time.Duration(i*100+10) * time.Millisecond)
> // 1 pointer can remain on stack or elsewhere
> if fin1 = atomic.LoadUint32(&fin); fin1 >= N-1 {
> return
> }
> }
> t.Fatalf("%s: only %v out of %v resources are finalized", context, fin1, N)
> }
> and then make the two tests call the helper? That will make the difference
> clearer.
I did not add the context parameter, as the test name will be printed on
*** Submitted as *** sync: release Pool memory during second and later GCs Pool ...
10 years, 4 months ago
(2014-10-22 16:23:57 UTC)
*** Submitted as ***
sync: release Pool memory during second and later GCs
Pool memory was only being released during the first GC after the first Put.
Put assumes that p.local != nil means p is on the allPools list.
poolCleanup (called during each GC) removed each pool from allPools
but did not clear p.local, so each pool was cleared by exactly one GC
and then never cleared again.
This bug was introduced late in the Go 1.3 release cycle.
Fixes issue 8979.
R=golang-codereviews, bradfitz, r, rsc
CC=golang-codereviews, khr
Issue 162980043: code review 162980043: sync: release Pool memory during second and later GCs
Created 10 years, 4 months ago by dvyukov
Modified 10 years, 4 months ago
Base URL:
Comments: 9