// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main_test import ( "cmd/go/internal/script" "cmd/go/internal/script/scripttest" "cmd/go/internal/work" "errors" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "strings" "time" ) func scriptCommands(interrupt os.Signal, waitDelay time.Duration) map[string]script.Cmd { cmds := scripttest.DefaultCmds() // Customize the "exec" interrupt signal and grace period. var cancel func(cmd *exec.Cmd) error if interrupt != nil { cancel = func(cmd *exec.Cmd) error { return cmd.Process.Signal(interrupt) } } cmdExec := script.Exec(cancel, waitDelay) cmds["exec"] = cmdExec add := func(name string, cmd script.Cmd) { if _, ok := cmds[name]; ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("command %q is already registered", name)) } cmds[name] = cmd } add("cc", scriptCC(cmdExec)) cmdGo := scriptGo(cancel, waitDelay) add("go", cmdGo) add("stale", scriptStale(cmdGo)) return cmds } // scriptCC runs the C compiler along with platform specific options. func scriptCC(cmdExec script.Cmd) script.Cmd { return script.Command( script.CmdUsage{ Summary: "run the platform C compiler", Args: "args...", }, func(s *script.State, args ...string) (script.WaitFunc, error) { b := work.NewBuilder(s.Getwd()) wait, err := cmdExec.Run(s, append(b.GccCmd(".", ""), args...)...) if err != nil { return wait, err } waitAndClean := func(s *script.State) (stdout, stderr string, err error) { stdout, stderr, err = wait(s) if closeErr := b.Close(); err == nil { err = closeErr } return stdout, stderr, err } return waitAndClean, nil }) } // scriptGo runs the go command. func scriptGo(cancel func(*exec.Cmd) error, waitDelay time.Duration) script.Cmd { return script.Program(testGo, cancel, waitDelay) } // scriptStale checks that the named build targets are stale. func scriptStale(cmdGo script.Cmd) script.Cmd { return script.Command( script.CmdUsage{ Summary: "check that build targets are stale", Args: "target...", }, func(s *script.State, args ...string) (script.WaitFunc, error) { if len(args) == 0 { return nil, script.ErrUsage } tmpl := "{{if .Error}}{{.ImportPath}}: {{.Error.Err}}" + "{{else}}{{if not .Stale}}{{.ImportPath}} ({{.Target}}) is not stale{{end}}" + "{{end}}" wait, err := cmdGo.Run(s, append([]string{"list", "-e", "-f=" + tmpl}, args...)...) if err != nil { return nil, err } stdout, stderr, err := wait(s) if len(stderr) != 0 { s.Logf("%s", stderr) } if err != nil { return nil, err } if out := strings.TrimSpace(stdout); out != "" { return nil, errors.New(out) } return nil, nil }) }