The Go Programming Language

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  1. 5419f65 spec: clarify prose for range over numeric range expressions by Robert Griesemer · 3 days ago master
  2. 1ca31ea cmd/link/internal/ld: revised bindnow/relro test for ELF by Than McIntosh · 3 days ago
  3. 5702600 cmd/compile: teach dse about equivalent LocalAddrs by Derek Parker · 3 days ago
  4. a8ba163 runtime: fix mcall unwinding on Windows by qmuntal · 2 days ago
  5. fd99157 go/types, types2: refactor Checker.rangeStmt for clarity by Robert Griesemer · 21 hours ago

The Go Programming Language

Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

Gopher image Gopher image by Renee French, licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 Attributions license.

Our canonical Git repository is located at There is a mirror of the repository at

Unless otherwise noted, the Go source files are distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.

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Install From Source

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Go is the work of thousands of contributors. We appreciate your help!

To contribute, please read the contribution guidelines at

Note that the Go project uses the issue tracker for bug reports and proposals only. See for a list of places to ask questions about the Go language.